SK8 the Infinity Oc

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Name: Raiden Ando

Kanji: 安藤雷電

Romaji: Ando Raiden

"S" Name: Lightning (ライトニン Raitoningu)

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Personality: Raiden is a confident boy who is pretty friendly but not enough that he would talk to you all of the time. He is pretty playful around Miya, Langa and Reki but can be really respectful to his Senpais and the people he respects. People he doesn't respect usually get the cold shoulder since if he doesn't know what to talk to them about his confidence disappears and he becomes very shy and awkward. To people who don't know him very well he would be called cold, quiet, pretty secretive and hard to talk to but that can't be helped after the past he had been through. When you get past the barriers he is very sweet and a very cheerful boy who loves to be around his friends.


Hair colour: White

Eye colour: Turquoise

Height: 166 cm (5'5)

Blood type: A

Status: Alive

Birthday: March 15th

Zodiac: Pisces

Education: Middle School (First year)

School uniform:

Talent: Skateboarding
Memory and puzzle games

Yuki Ando (Younger brother) (8)
Kaito Ando (Older brother, Deceased)

Affiliation: N/A

Likes: Skateboarding, Memory/puzzle games, Video games, Lightning, Doing tricks, Animals, Doing magic tricks

Dislikes: Violence, Blood, Pain, Suffering, Adam, Cliffs, Studying, Vegetables

Fear: Losing Miya like he lost his brother, Being alone, Cliffs (even if he hides it)

Backstory: Raiden has always looked up to his older brother who taught him how to skate at a young age. He used to spend all his time with his brother making him never try and be friendly with other people his age. He went to a skating club where he finally found friends but sadly that didn't last when the boys started to bully him because he wasn't the best at skateboarding. Instead of losing hope Raiden continued to practice and got so good that he got popular with the people in the club, the boys he had tried to get to acknowledge him as a good skater had called him a try hard and that he didn't deserve to have fun and any friends while skating. After that he quit the club and just played on his own or with his brother.

One day he found another club and joined but acted like he was a beginner, Miya who was apart of the club saw he was hiding how he skated invited Raiden to play with him and his friends. He didn't trust them but said okay anyway, he quickly became close to them, mostly Miya, and started to show his true colours. Raiden wasn't as good as Miya but after seeing how good the boy was he looked up to him and wanted to be as good as him so he practiced hard and didn't get discouraged that he kept losing he just kept thinking "wow he is so cool, I'm so blessed to have a friend like him"

The day that all of Miya's friends started to leave him because of a huge misunderstanding, Raiden tried to help Miya by saying that Miya didn't think like that and he was enjoying skating with everyone and sees everyone as friends. Sadly Raiden was then punched to the floor and the boys gave him an option stay with the hero and continue to be a slime or to hang out with them. Raiden hating how the boys acted immediately without hesitation said he was going to stay with Miya because he saw him as his rival and he was going to get better and continue to happily skate with the boy. When the boys left Miya out of sadness shouted at Raiden and told him to leave him alone.

Raiden gave him some space but didn't give up trying to be his friend but during that time Kaito had passed away making Raiden fall into despair. Miya thought Raiden had abandoned him but quickly found out about Kaito and was there for Raiden, after that they stuck together but instead of thinking of each other as friends they thought of each other as brothers since friends was a taboo word for both of them.

First appearances:

Anime debut - Episode 2
Manga debut - TBA

Skateboard design:


• Raiden is ambidextrous.

• Has a photographic memory.

His favourite food is Hamburg steak.

• His favourite snack is Onigiri.

• His favourite flavour of lollipop is strawberry.

• His best subjects are physical education and maths.

• Carries lollipops wherever he goes, he usually eats them when he is nervous to stop himself from biting his fingernails. 

• Is amazing at puzzles, he can complete a rubik's cube in under a minute.

• He learnt how to Ollie in 3 weeks.


• Raiden goes to the same school as Miya and is in his year. Raiden just missed out on the school term so he is the youngest out of the people who are 14.

• Raiden cherishes his brothers necklace and refuses to take it off.

• Raiden sees Joe and Cherry as older brothers even if he wouldn't admit it.

• He doesn't understand why animals like him so much, he is usually surrounded by cats when he is alone.

•  The necklace that Raiden wears was once his older brothers who passed away. It was given to him by Joe after his brothers necklace was found on the cliff where he died after falling down from.

• Kaito who was called Thunder was close friends with Kojiro Nanjo (Joe) and Kaoru Sakurayashiki (Cherry blossom) before he passed away. Kaito was racing against Ainosuke Shindo (Adam) when he fell off of a cliff after his board wheels fell off after the male crashed into him and he lost control. Kaito had been sent flying over the cliff and was found alive by Joe and Cherry but by the time he made it to the hospital he was already dead.

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