Mayumi Fletcher

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Name: Mayumi Fletcher

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: 5'0, short, well kept grey hair mostly kept in a pony tail. Wears traditional japanese archery clothing. Has green eyes

Sexuality: Bisexual

Talent: Archer

Personality: While being quite smart, she often tries to make jokes and act dumber than she actually is, especially around people she doesn't trust. When have gotten close to people she actually will be more childish but smarter as well. She does care a lot about those who she is close to, but unfortunately doesn't quite understand who to really trust or not, as she tends to be too trusting towards those harsh to her.

Background: Raised in a family of where only success is allowed. She trained Archery day after day usually out of frustration, and found herself to be rather good at it. She competed at many events and always won, never missing a mark.

through freetime events- She never was good enough for her family. They always saw some flaw within her and never eased up on their pressure. She assumes they do so because of how much they care about her when in actuality its the opposite. She is unaware of this though even though it is quite obvious. She tends to assume this is the same for other people, and so will often put her trust in the wrong type of people, only to face their true colors. Despite all this, she is still way too trusting.


Mom- Successful Lawyer, intelligent yet too prideful to admit her own wrongs verbally and physically abusive

Dad- successful Banker, also intelligent but is known to be verbally and physically abusive towards Mayumi and her brother

Oldest brother- sucessful doctor, yet emotionally unstable due to their parent's pressure and treatment

Other: Has a tendency to not sleep, and exhaust herself to the point of passing out, thinks she needs to be extrordinary or else she's a failure, too loud noises like angry yelling will cause her to back away in fear. She doesn't want others to be in the same boat though and often will push her own feelings away just to make someone else feel better. Literally needs some kind of therapist. Afraid of the dark. Can't swim to save her life

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