Attack on titan final season Ethan Maro

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Name : Ethan Maro

Age : ???

Hight : 6'7

Weight : 280

Race : Eldian

Relatives :

Lisa Maro (Mother) - deceased

Allo Maro (Father) - deceased

Sarah Maro (Sister) - deceased

Milla Maro (Little sister) - deceased

Conner Maro (Brother) - deceased

Orillo Maro (Little brother) - deceased

Julia Maro (cousin) - alive

Matsu (cousin) - alive

Birthday : July 20

Hometown : Sarrata Village

Occupation : Warrior unit

Affilation : Marleyan military,
Warrior unit

Final season look

Appearances : season 2 - Mentioned and seen

Season 3 part 2 - Final battle with reiner and bertolt

Personality : kind, collective, can be sadistic and show no remorse, caring, quiet to himself, smart

Skills :

Regenerate due to titan powers

Hand to hand combat trained since 5 years old

Has amazing athletic abilitys

High pain tolerance

Expect at any weapons guns or swords and explosives


Final season - Current

History : Ethan Maro was a somewhat of a normal boy who didnt really have close friends but everyone in the village knew him. He mostly talked to himself and to his family. One day his village was attacked and destroyed by the flying titan the ( inherited titan by Kj. ) The flying titan burned and destroyed his village killing almost everyone in the village. Ethan went to find his family but found out they were killed by the flying titan. The rest of the survivors who lived pass the attack moved and travel to liberio as Ethan was left on his own. On his own Ethan travel around until he met Zeke as he took Ethan in. Ethan join with the 8 warriors for inheriting the titan powers. However his titan was different it was far from the others. Ethan remain with zeke following his loyalty and became close with the others seeing them as his new family. After gaining the abilitys the people who survive from the attack of the flying titan praze and loves ethan for his new powers knowing hes now gonna defeat the flying titan and help eveyone as well reuniting with his two couins Julia and Matsu Ethan promise to help this war as now he thinks which person will inherit his abilitys


Porco - Ethan childhood friend respects and treats porco as a brother they been together. Porco sometimes finds ethan a bit odd due to his switch of personalitys but both as titans make a formidable tag team

Reiner - A childhood friend who Ethan as well treats him like his brother together as tag team both Reiner and Ethan make a dangerous tag team as titans

Pieck - Ethan is extremely close to her, as childhood he was always around her and both close. They both fought together for while side by side Ethan deeply care about her and will do almost anything to protect her and people he care about one could say he's maybe he's fallen for her

Zeke - Ethan follows zeke till the end seeing him as father figure, Ethan known him from childhood like the rest he helped him and the other face the odds they had and was more like his protection due to his armor while zeke throws to provide cover

Colt - Treats colt with respect and care

Gabi, falco, zofia and udo - Ethan cares about them and seem them as his lil sisters and lil brother Ethan hangs out with them and loves being around them

Titan form

Ethans titan form is a evolved improved titan it was inherited by Ethan after his dna shaped the titan ability

Titan hight : 10.5 m

Titan name : The shadow blade titan

Titan abilities : Armor skin stronger than reiners, retractable blades, speed, enhanced strength, enhanced agility, high hearing

T-thats all ~\\\\~ hope ye like

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