Rwby 2022

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Name : KJ Ritsuka

Nicknames : Lil bro (Anthony)

Fruit cake (Ruby and Yang )

Lil gentleman (Weiss)

Kitty J (Blake)

Little man (Jaune)

Young J (Ren)

Baby man (Nora)

Sunshine (Pyrrha)

Blue eyes (Cinder)

Nice guy (Emerald)

Short stack (Mercury)

Cutie (Neo)

Rougrat (Roman)

Race : Human

Weapon : Raiju & Akuma

Gender : Male

Personality : Quiet, shy, nice, determined, strong will, can be dense, caring

Age : 16 (vol 1 - 3)

17 (vol 4 - 5)

18 (vol 6 - 8)

Birthday : June 19th

Height : 5'7 (vol 1 - 3)

6'1 (vol 7 - 8)

Hair color : Black

Eye color : Blue

Aura color : Blue

Semblance : Ritsuka

Affiliation : Ruby group

Previous Affiliation : Singles academy

Beacon academy

Occupation : Huntsman

Previous Occupation : Student

Team :

Relatives : August Ritsuka (Father)

Tampetus Ritsuka (Mother)

Mio Ritsuka (Younger sister)

Ozma (Caretaker)

Salem (Caretaker)

Sara Brown (Adopted Mother)

Tyler Brown (Adopted Father)

Anthony Brown (Adopted Brother)

Discription : KJ Ritsuka was born in Remnants forgotten past, his family the ritsuka family was a well known family of magic user that holded a powerful magic semblance that could " possibly rival a maidens power ", after his parents were killed in battle a was later taking in care by salem and ozma as he looked up to them both as despite Salem's fall into the grimm pool and white appearance he never saw her as monster as he saw her as his mother and ozma as his father. Kj then developed a relationship with their children (the 4 maidens) as he saw em as his sisters. Once salem was fully corrupted, KJ tried everything to stop her despite still a kid and not well trained like his original family but ends up falling in the fight despite salem considering him to join her. Soon Kjs magic seal completely reseted Kj body and age giving him a completly new life as he was born into the modern day of Remnant with no memory of his original past. Kj wakes up in the middle of emerald forrest as he soon was adopted by the brown family and meeting his brother Anthony Brown. Soon Kj was walking around when he stumbled upon a weird squirrel creature which followed him everywhere until KJ begged his parents to keep it as he soon called him zoe, inroled in singles academy as most of everyone considered he was "special" due to semblance he possessed. Soon while his brother was inroled in beacon KJ outta random luck got inroled with him into beacon as they both on the verge to train and become huntsman's

(The ritsuka tattoo)

(Kj as a child)

(Kj kid in modern clothes)

(Kj outfit vol 1 - 3)

(Alternate outfit)

(Vol 4 - 5)

Battle suit (6 - 7)

Atlas outfit (Vol 7 - 8)

Quote : "I may not know where I come from or what I am but I know who I am"


Strength : KJ shows immense strength due to his training, as he slapped Cardin hard that it knocked him out for bothering velvet

Speed : KJ shows such speed able to keep up with almost anyone

Agility : KJ has amazing like agility which he uses in combat which can be hard to understand his moves in hand to hand combat

Aura : Kjs aura is durable to take massive damage before breaking as it gives him great endurance similar to yang

Semblance : Ritsuka

Ritsuka is a semblance that allows the user to stockpile a huge amount of power. 

Flight : KJ semblance has the ability to levitate or fly like a maiden

Dash burst : Kj can dash burst which can quickly made a blue shadow sorta like blake

Flight : KJ has shown his ability to fly or levitate like a maiden

Lighting strike : Kj can dash burst into lighting like ruby petal dash or could used in his fighting style

Shield : Kj can create a shield threw his semblance

Full powers ritsuka : The ritsuka semblance at 100 full power

Dark Ritsuka : The red ver of the ritsuka semblance

Raiju & Akuma : Raiju is a wakazashi that can fold down into a machine pistol much like Blake's Weapon.

The sword can also be placed into its sheath to transform the entire thing in a rifle.

Akuma is a katana that only becomes active when drawn by its owner.

Weakness :


While Kj maybe strong will his emotions can get the best of him as Kj could lose focus and make hasty decisions or do more harm then good


Kjs semblance is powerful but it has his limits as Kj over using his semblance or limit to handle can do a number on his body and can cause his aura to break as well his body this can make him vulnerable for sometime


-KJ killed a Beowulf at 10 years old protecting his Adopted family

-KJ enjoys to play video games

-KJ secretly break dances at times and uses it in his fighting style


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