Game of Thrones Oc 2

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Name: Vaelyra Targaryan

Age: She is the twin sister to Daenerys, born just minutes after Dany had been.

Looks: She's very similar to Dany in looks except for the small scar right above her left eyebrow.

Personality: While staying with Lord Illyrio in his home with their older brother, Viserys, Vaelyra has become very meek, unable to meet another's eyes except for her sister. She's grown to stay with her sister no matter what, unable to say what is on her mind without her. However, once she's out of Viserys' clutches, she grow more independent, but will continue to stay by Dany's side.

Nicknames: Lyra, Vael, Vee.



ragons: Raenys; A black egg with emerald green-like veins that are under the scales of the egg.

                  Laena; A pure white egg with violet veins under the scales of the egg.

                  Aerea; A blue dragon egg with sky blue veins under the scales of the egg.

Likes: Reading and singing

Dislikes: Viserys at times, The Lannisters, The Baratheons, the slave Masters

Backstory: Vaelyra had been born in Dragonstone with Daenerys during Robert's Rebellion, their mother dying after giving birth to both of them. For years, She and her siblings had tried fruitlessly to raise support to take back the iron throne, and was eventually given sanctuary by Illyrio Mopatis, a Magister in the free city of Pentos. She soon hears, however, that Daenerys was to be wed to Khal Drogo, a Dothraki, a deal that their brother had made with the girls knowing.

During Dany's wedding, Illyrio had brought up two chests. One was a wedding gift for Dany and the other a simple parting gift for Vaelyra, both of which held three dragon eggs, all having been turned to stone. Vaelyra had grown attached to the eggs she had been gifted, and would not allow anyone except Dany to handle them.

Overtime, the sisters had put the eggs in fire, both not aware that they were touching the eggs, which had been sitting in fire, and slowly found out that they had the blood of the Dragon, and realized that it wasn't Viserys.

(More information will be added on a later date)

Title: Vaelyra of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Princess of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Princess of Meereen, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons

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