Assassin's Creed OC Bloodline

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These are a list of characters all related to each other in different periods of conflict and controversy.

Just a reminder, I will separate them into Assassin, Templar or Rogue

Rogue means they never sided with either one and had to get things like weapons, intel and locations from people on their own.


(Modern Age)

Name: Victor Davis

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Faction: Rogue (currently)

Skills: stealth, ninjutsu, sharp shooting, tracking and hot wiring

Weapons: two Glock 18 pistols, two pocket knives and a baseball bat

Background: He was born in the southeastern states in the USA by a private doctor at his family's home. His family had mostly kept their legacy a secret until he stumbled upon some documents he wasn't supposed to see. One day after returning from work, he found his home was burned to the ground and his relatives were all dead. He already had a clue who it was and fled to a small town to avoid capture. He's on the run from Abstergo and the Templars, while also not wanting anything to do with the Assassin's Brotherhood.


(German Renaissance and Protestant Reformation)

Name: Nolte Wallen

Gender: Male

Born: October 1, 1497

Death: 1553 (specific date unknown)

Faction: Assassin's Brotherhood

Skills: stealth, tracking, swordsman ship and knows all European languages while hiding his accent

Weapons: hidden blades, sword, bow and throwing knives

Family: Unknown wife and Jordan Westlake (son)

Background: Nolte was born to a pheasant family in Germany during it's Renaissance period.

He was recruited into the Assassin's Brotherhood to make amends after his father was mistaken for a Templar ally.

He mostly stuck with his missions until he met Martin Luther during a job in Wittenberg.

The monk's views on redemption through prayer and faith rather than by money impressed the young Assassin, despite the fact that Pope Leo X was an ally of the Brotherhood.

Nolte helped Luther escape before he would be sentenced to burn as a heretic, leaving him no choice but to flee to England to avoid punishment by the German Brotherhood.

He changed his last name to Westlake and married a maid while also serving as a guard under King Henry VIII, Edward VI and Jane Grey.

The British Brotherhood recruited him during Edward's first year as an informant to know what was happening inside the King's court.

He died trying to help Protestants escape Queen Mary I, being cruelly burned as a heretic.


1) Killed 20 Templars in Germany and 30 Templars in England

2) Saved Martin Luther from death sentence

3) Took out Templars plots to dethrone both Henry VII and Edward VI

4) Evacuated a group of Protestants from a town before guards arrived


(Elizabethan Era)

Name: Jordan Westlake

Gender: Male

Birth: June 12, 1532

Death: June 15, 1608

Faction: Assassin's Brotherhood

Skills: stealth, swordsmanship, tracking, naval combat and espionage

Weapons: hidden blades, two swords, throwing knives and a bow

(One of the swords he inherited from his father.)

Family: Unknown mother and Nolte Wallen (father)

Background: During Henry VIII's reign, Jordan got to visit the castle sometimes and other places, all while getting to meet and form a friendship with Elizabeth.

After his father was burned for saving Protestants, Jordan joined the British Brotherhood in order to get justice for all who died under Mary I's reign.

Once Mary was killed, Jordan was one of Elizabeth's personal bodyguards and what connected her to the Brotherhood.

Jordan took part in the battle against the Spanish Armada, as well as take other missions from the Brotherhood and Queen Elizabeth I.

He died 5 years after his friend Elizabeth did, completely at peace.


1) Killed 150 Templars

2) Assassinated Queen Mary I (AKA Bloody Mary)

3) Foiled Mary Queen of Scots plot against Elizabeth

4) Helped defeat the Spanish Armada

5) Rescued 50 Protestants from death


Name: The Bloodborn

Type: Galleon

Number of guns: 74

Additional Weapons: a ram, harpoon-like grapple lines and a few prototype mines


(American Revolution/War of Independence)

Name: Matthew Barnes

Gender: Male

Birth: February 7, 1746

Death: unknown (records suggest he may have died in the mid 1790's)

Faction: Assassin's Brotherhood

Skills: stealth, tracking, sharp shooting, swordsmanship, espionage, naval combat and crafting

Weapons: hidden blades, sword, musket, pistol, rope darts and throwing knives (now with their own storage)

Family: David Barnes (grandson) [rest of his family is unknown]

Background: Matthew was born in Savanna, Georgia to a family who owned a trade company and a slaveless farm.

His father was recruited into the French and Indian War, but never survived.

One day on a business trip to New Orleans, Matthew met Aveline De Grandpè and discovered the Assassin's Brotherhood through her.

He made a secret deal with Aveline to make trade routes in the southern colonies easier to access, as well as help eliminate Templars in those regions.

He wasn't fully brought in as an assassin until Connor came and reformed the Brotherhood.

During the war against Britain, Matthew helped keep the Continental Army alive while Connor dealt with the core Templars.

After the war, Matthew disappeared....never heard from many ever again.


1) Helped expand Aveline's trade range

2) Assisted Connor in reforming the Colonial Brotherhood

3) Killed several British leaders and killed 230 Templar allies

4) Gave Washington victories in Trenton, Saratoga, and Yorktown

5) Assisted in General Greene's campaign in the south

6) Possibly killed Shay Cormac (though it's only a rumor)

[No one knows if Connor or Arno went after Shay, so there could be a loophole in there.]


Name: The Raven

Type: Brig

Number of guns: 60

Additional Weapons: 4 puckle guns, 4 chain shot cannons and some Iron Horses (I forgot the French name for these kind of traps)


(American Civil War)

Name: David Barnes

Birth: June 1837

Death: March 1898

Faction: Templar (1857-1863) and Assassin's Brotherhood (1863-1865), before going Rogue (1867-1880)

Skills: stealth, tracking, sharpshooting, swordsmanship, intelligence and smuggling

Weapons: rifle, sword, pistol, blowpipe and hidden blades (when he joins the Brotherhood)

Backstory: With his parents not being able to tell him of his family's legacy as part of the Brotherhood, David Barnes was convinced to join the Templars to reach the goal of control over the United States.

When the Civil War broke out, David helped Confederate leaders like Robert E Lee hold back the invading Union forces.

He soon had a change of heart when he realized that even the south was divided on issues like slavery and government control.

David sided with the Brotherhood to end the conflict and get rid of the Templar's corruption over the southern states.

He left the Brotherhood two years after Lincoln was assassinated by Booth.

During his years as a Rogue assassin, he freed slaves and took on Templars, namely their new branches like the KKK.

(I apologize if this part of entry is offensive, but someone has to have the nuts to confront this.)


(World War 2)

Name: Edward Davis

Birth: July 1919

Death: June 1969

Faction: Assassin's Brotherhood

Weapons: Hand gun, hidden blades, blowpipe, grenades and an M1 Garand

Skills: stealth, tracking, sharpshooting, smuggling, sabotage, intelligence and vehicles

Backstory: Edward was brought into the American Brotherhood a few years after World War I, practically trained for the day the Templars in Europe tried to launch another war.

He was trapped in Franch when Germany took control, forcing him to use more conservative means of survival.

Edward helped the French Resistance weaken Germany and the Templar's influence over the western world.

Whenever D-Day arrived, he helped American forces push their way towards Berlin.

It's unknown what happened to him after the war.

Possible Feats

Most of these are unconfirmed

1) Assassinated Mussolini

2) Assassinated Hitler

3) Killed 75 Templar allies

4) Killed 500 or more Nazi soldiers


(Cold War)

Name: Fred Davis

Born: December 1949

Death: December 2005

Faction: Rogue

Weapons: hand gun, machine gun and pocket knife

Skills: stealth, tracking, reconnaissance, sabotage and intelligence

Backstory: All that's known about Fred is that he took secret missions against the USSR.

His last big mission happened in the 1980's during Regan's presidency.


Each one of these (except for Victor Davis) have encountered an object that has the ability to find all relics of the past: The Map of Eden

Pieces of it are hidden throughout Victor's ancestry.

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