Fire Wind and Nightseeker

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Fire Wind is on the left and Nightseeker is on the right.

I'm gonna copy 'n paste the form for both of em from an RP.

Name: Fire Wind

Nickname: Flip

Gender: Boy

Age: 15 in human years

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Red with orange streaks going down body. Has black spikes and talons. Wings are a brick red with bright red stripes that almost seem to glow against the darker red. Has yellow underbelly. Has black horns, left one being chipped slightly at the end. Isn't too keen on jewelry, although parents made him wear a golden ring that pierced his right ear just to be flashy.

Likes: Burning random things and flying. Also likes to be adventurous.

Personality: Shy and awkward around strangers, although he is caring, chill, boisterous, and funny when around loved ones.

Dislikes: getting in trouble for burning random things.

Fears: Dolls because they stare at him. Also fears pancakes for whatever reason. Is terrified of ghosts and possession because paranormal is NOT normal. Is scared of seeing loved ones suffer and having to act mature. Also fears mirrors. That is stated below.

Dreams: of burning all pancakes as well as never having to act mature. Doesn't have a dream job.

Other: Sometimes has hallucinations of loved ones dying because he killed them. Sometimes, when he looks in the mirror, he sees a grey and empty-eyed version of himself grinning and whispering dark things. After these hallucinations, he will separate himself from loved ones, claiming that he'll "drag them to a bad place". Got the nickname Flip due to his habit of doing random flips all the time.

Name: Nightseeker

Gender: Boy

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Black scales with occasional midnight blue scales. Wing membrane is black, and silver scales form constellations. Horns curve back slightly, and are tipped with midnight blue. Sometimes a few white scales are found among silver ones. Eyes are a deep blue, which reflect personality. Always wears an ocean-blue amulet on a silver chain. More about amulet in the 'Other' section.

Personality: is usually calm and goes with the flow. He is very social and willing to associate with other Nightwings. He is also willing to defend his beliefs with his life, no matter who his opponent is. He will always fight for what he believes is right.

Likes: books, legends, being called right, relaxing, night.

Dislikes: destroying books, legends being made fun of, being called wrong, being disturbed when relaxing.Fears: being taken away from the Nightwing kingdom

Dreams: of proving the legends to be true

Other: wears an animus-enchanted amulet that allows him to change reflections in any reflective item, which means he can project himself into a mirror to talk with somebody (doesn't mean he's in a mirror, just means his image is in it).

Fire Wind is a Skywing and Nightseeker is a Nightwing. Both are from Wings of Fire and both are being used for a Mafia. Fire Wind is a guard while Nightseeker's role is going to be kept hidden for the sake of the mafia that is still in progress.

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