Valodya Michel Valkov

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**Name**: Valodya Michel Valkov

**Born**: 11/24/2000  

**Age**: 19 (still aging)

**Origin**: Europe, Moldavia, (half

**Species**: human

**Sexuality**: asexual

**Height**: 6.4 (76.8 inch) (done

Relationship Status:

Best Friend: Poseidon Asmodeus

Love Interest: N/A

**Features**:​ slender figure, fit but not
at first glance, ash brown thick hair;
medium cut, scar on forehead; hazel
eyes, thin.

**Personality**:​ sweet, anxious, selfless,
extremely self conscious, puts others
before himself, takes burdens upon
himself, always try's to settle arguments
on a good note, hates grudges, gullible
when the statement is reasonable or
makes sense, holds those who mean
dearly to him far from him but close to
his heart, (due to his belief of being a
{present time personality: ???}

**Likes**: chai, contrast between a dark
cloudy sky and a sunset in one, strong
coffee, Valya, his close ones, being to
himself. Reading, writing, classical
music. Being alone

**Hates**: garlic, pickles, liquor, himself
at times, fragile things given to him,
falling for lies, deception, selfishness,
smugness, when he runs out of words,
not being able to speak his mind or be
himself freely around others, heavy
metal, storms, being the reason for ones
problems, being a burden. Being alone.

**About**:​ He is the last born child out
of his family of 11 children, always
blamed and or blame is put on him on
purpose, as a child he had trouble
speaking up for himself. Timid, shy,
cannot lie even if he tried; was a
sensitive kid and everyone knew it. His
favorite sibling was Valya, the second
youngest, only a year older than him.
Always tried to help anyway he could.
Would avoid quarrels which ended up
with more bullying as a kid. Rarely made
friends, considered the weird kid in his
class. Elders generally liked him,
teachers despised him, believing all the
blame that was put on him. He was
smart and had generally good grades
for his age; he excelled tremendously as
he aged. He graduated the earliest out
of his class, including family members.
Suffered with major anxiety as a kid,
picked on by his eldest siblings until he
was 11 yrs old.

**Background**:​ born in Moldavia, the
youngest child of 11, Valodya was given
least attention from his parents, having
all their growing teens to handle. He was
moms boy, always helping her while his
other siblings would be out and about,
either doing something stupid or doing
their own things and interests. His sister,
a year older, was his best friend even till
this day, and though ignore by his eldest
siblings, he looked up to many of them
and even strived to become like some,
though he learned the hard way that no
matter how hard he tried or tries,
changing who he really was, was nearly
As he aged, new problems came his
way; he was the smartest kid in his
school, but school smarts are
completely different from street smarts.
Though having a high IQ in education,
he was easily manipulated by his fellow
classmates. He would always take the
blame and was constantly blackmailed
into doing others
homework...threatened, beaten, he's
had it all, yet he never stepped up. In
8th grade he met an American girl
named Jesse miles; being the new girl
and bullied for her accent, Valodya and
her really hit it off, she even taught him
how to speak English, though what he
wasn't aware of was she had leukemia.

One day, some of his classmates who
hated Jesse and DESPISED Valodya,
decided it would be a good idea to place
the blame on him one last time, but this
time their target was Jesse miles. Killing
her beloved Yorkshire puppy, her new emotional support animal that was
recently given to her after moving in for
comfort, they stuffed it in valodya's bag
and set him up. In the right place, at the
right time, their evil scheme was
This not only broke the friendship, but
broke two souls, one who lost a friend
and a beloved dog, and one who lost a
friend, and sanity.
Each day got harder for him, he knew he
didn't kill the puppy, yet they kept
reminding him about the new incident every day, and even when they didn't, just looking at Jesses
expression every time she looked at him
was a solid reminder. Weeks crept by
and Jesse would miss class certain
days, but one day she missed class for
good. That specific day valodya was tired of
waiting, he was ready to beg for
forgiveness, and try and convince her
that he would never do such a horrible
deed....all he wanted was his best friend back, but on that same day he was given news that Jesse had a horrendous fever and died in her sleep. This was uncalled for and extremely unexpected, the entire  class was stunned, it was like a big
wake up call for everyone, especially
One of his classmates stated that
perhaps she died from sadness of losing
her puppy, that's what hit valodya hard.
For numerous weeks valodya would sit
in his room, wouldn't eat, rarely
sleep, drowning in the thought that this
was all his fault. Of course as he grew
older he got out of that mourning phase,
by the help of his siblings and mother. At
the age 18 he moved out of his house,
said goodbye to his siblings and moved
to America, he lived in Seattle for a few
months with his uncle to settle into
America before heading on his own,
which he did. He moved to a small town in Illinois;
it was nice to get away from home, not
that he didn't miss anyone, he was just
haunted by the memories there, but his
life hurdles weren't over...

Some quotes:

he nodded. "It seems like everyone is serious about it...."

His eyes trialed to the ground.

"And...I was told.....I play some big part to make this plan...''successful''....."

He fumbled with his thumb, his mind raced with possibilities of things going wrong...what if Bianca is lying, what if this plan involves someone getting hurt?....or worse.....

"I personally don't know how this will play out-"

He shook his head, just thinking about the fact that he's a part of all this made him feel uneasy.

"Let's change the subject.."

He was taken back by Poseidon's sudden embrace, the friend he thought he lost, the one he walked out on when he needed him the most.....but he seems to not recall that night....did he lose his memory?
Valodya hesitantly embraces him back, he felt hurt.
His arms tighten around him, he trembled, a few shaky words stammered quietly from his lips.

"I'm s-sorry..."

His body ached, but he couldn't-.....he couldn't just stop there, but the more he fought, the more hope slipped away from his grasp.
He grew weary...hopeless...


He hissed painfully through his teeth as his forehead was pressed against the cold metal door.

"Oh God......I would have accepted fate if it was just me...."

He moaned with grief.


He then slammed his fist against the door and let out a loud holler.


He roared loudly as he continued to fight against the door with hopeless punches and scratches.


Current status: missing

Last seen: The gala, on the cruise ship in LA, the day it detonated....the day it sank.

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Reference Photos

By @/Fire__Fox

Voice & Theme

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


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Thanks for reading.

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