Creepypasta Oc

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Name Creepy Wolf

Age 37

Gender Male

Pronouns He Him

Birth Date Unknown

Species Dire Wolf

Appearance Fully Large Dark black dire wolf with dark black soulest eyes very long sharp deadly fangs and sharp deadly claws and long fluffy tail Scars across his left eye weas an chain with spikes around his collar

Scars One across his left eye

Personilty Emotionless Very sly sneaky smart aggressive fierce strong fast

Powers Can see at Nighttime meaning he can see through an bad thunderstorm/fog and pitch black dark places like the woods or abandoned places.

Weapons His should fangs and claws

Sanity Level 10 out of 10

Strenghts Strong and very fast

Weakness/Fears Light sunlight any light can scare Creepy Wolf away for one or three minutes Creepy Wolf dislikes sunlight because it can born his eyes fur and skin. Creepy Wolf fears Sunlight and mostly daylight because he can be spotted easily in the daylight.

Catchphrase None

How He kills Creepy Wolf would kill his victims two ways the first one will firstly one is Creepy Wolf Will let out an Creepy and scary long howl before killing his once they are in his eyesight and rip them apart one by one first there hearts then other organs killing there victims slowly to death. Secondly Creepy Wolf would follow his victims around at Nighttime rather his victims is alone or not once the victim is alone Creepy Wolf then springs into action killing their victim slowly by eating there victims organs by one by one killing his victim slowly to death. Creepy Wolf will only kill his victims at Nighttime since there is no sunlight or any light source harming him.

Favorite Foods Humans and any meat flesh of living beings

Least Favorite Foods Human food anything that isn't meat

Hobbies Killing relaxing climbing trees

Phobia heliophobia fear of sunlight and
Photophobia fear of any light source

Disorder None

Family Unknown

Friends None

Enemies Humans

Crush None

Pups None

Types of victims Any

Background Creepy Wolf was brought back to extinct but once Creepy Wolf was brought back from the dead Creepy Wolf began to go on an rampage killing and every human being in his eyesight but when one of an injured humans turned on the light Creepy Wolf stopped attacking as he hisses in pain from the light once the few live scientists saw this they threw Creepy Wolf into an sell.

Everyday the scientists would run test on Creepy Wolf and would leave the poor wolf starving sometimes if Creepy Wolf didn't cooperate or the test didn't work.

Until oneday when the power went out because of an thunderstorm Creepy Wolf broke out of his prison cell and began to attack every human scientists and eating them before escaping into the dark woods never to be seen or heard again but legends says if you hear an creepy and scary howl at Nighttime you will become Creepy Wolf's next meal.

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