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Name: Drizzlepaw

Name meaning: Her prefix comes from the color of her pelt which is silverish grey.

Previous names: Drizzlekit

Future names: Either Drizzleflit based on her agility and nimbleness, Drizzlesky based on her jumping and climbing abbilities, or Drizzlepounce and Drizzleskip. I'd probably go for Drizzleflit or Drizzlesky but that depends on how the rp goes. I might just leave that up to the leader <3

Nickname(s): Drizzle

Biological sex: Female

Preffered gender: Female

Pronouns: She/her

Sexuality: She is currently questioning, but it isn't necessarily anything others would know about her. If she were asked about it, she'd say she is straight. (Lazer on she will figure out that she is a bisexual)

Age: 7 moons

Clan: Sedgeclan

Current rank: Apprentice

Future ranks: Young warrior, warrior, senior warrior, possibly elder and queen

Reputation: She has a good reputation amongst apprentices and kits love to hang out with her. She isn't too recognised by the older warriors or warriors altogether, but some either think she has pottential or find her annoying and clumsy

Deepest secret: Drizzlepaw doesn't have much to hide, exept for the death of her uncle Bushclaw, which she saw and knows it was her father, Boulderstrike who killed him. Drizzlepaw saw Bushclaw being murdered and chose not to speak up due to her fear that she might be killed for it by Boulderstrike, however, Boulderstrike has left the clans and has never been seen again.

Brief description: Small, shorthaired silver she-cat with yellow eyes, darker stripes on her fur and a white tailtip

Detailed description: A small, sleek she-cat who has stunning yellow eyes. Her tail is somewhat long and much more fluffier compared to her body. Her pelt is a sparkling grey in color with very dark stripes. She has a slightly torn ear which is barely visible and a small scar on her right front paw which can only be seen if her fur is moved out of the way. Drizzlepaw got both scars after falling off a tree a bit harshly.

Notable features: She sometimes puts feathers in her fur, usually around tail. Her favourite feathers are either crow, jay or magpie feathers

Scent: She smells of bird feathers, tree bark and moss

Overall description: Drizzlepaw is an insecure sweetheart who hides under a confident and outgoing facade. She cares deeply about those close to her and would die for them at any time. She has a good sence of humor. She can apear sarcastic to others, making fun of her own abilities as a way to cope. She can get hurt easily with words and it often discourages her from doing something. She is very emotional even though she tries to apear as stoic and nonchalant as possible. She is energetic but gets burnt out quickly. She is impatient and not very determined. She can seem very clumsy of even inept, but any remarks regarding that hurt her the most out of anything. Despite that she is a very creative individuals with quite the wits.

Positive traits: Sweet, Loyal, Empathetic, Friendly, Creative, Protective, witty

Neutral traits: Emotional, sarcastic, energetic, fragile

Negative traits: Insecure, impatient, clumsy

Likes: Feathers, shiny items, stargazing

Dislikes: getting wet, long hunting patrols, dawn patrols, waking up early

Mental disorders: none (Not a MD but she is quite prone to panic attacks and she has had a few in her life. She might develop some MDs along the way but that's unlikely.)

How they view themselves: Drizzle is not confident in herself and doubts her abbilities often. She can blame herself for the mistakes of others. She just sometimes needs some assurance that she's loved.

Strenghts: Drizzlepaw is an astounding climber and can be a nimble and fierce fighter. Her intelligence gives her a tactical advantage againist others. She isn't  a bad at communication either.

Weaknesses: She isn't very good at tracking down prey or hunting. She can't swim well.

Fears: Letting others down, being forgotten, dying before becoming a warrior.

Phobias: Spheksophobia - fear of wasps. She'd just run away after seeing one come a bit close to her. She never got stung by a wasp and she doesn't plan on changing that.

Talents: Excellent climbing skills and and an abbility to jump impressivelly high or far.

Mother: Mousecloud
A dark brown mackerel tabby
Strong relationship
Alive or dead? Alive
Open for someone else to play? Of course!

Father: Boulderstrike
Silver blotched tabby
Terrible relationship
Alive or dead? Unknown
Open for someone else to play? Sure, but Boulderstrike would live as a loner at that point.

Siblings: Fernpaw (Light brown blotched tabby), Owlpaw (light brown mackerel tabby), Sprucepaw (Dark brown blotched tabby) and Ripplepaw (Silver blotched tabby)
Strong relationship
Open for someone to play: sure why not! Me or my friend might play some though.

Mate: none
Crush: none atm, might develop later on
Kits: none, would want kits in the future, adoptive, foster or her own, doesn't matter

Stamina: 7/10
Agility: 8/10
Running: 7/10
Swimming: 2/10
Climbing: 10/10
Jumping: 9/10
Hunting: 4/10
Fishing: 0/10
Fightning: 7/10
Defending: 3/10
Strength: 4/10
Stealth: 4/10
Tracking: 2/10
Leading: 7/10
Strategy: 8/10


Will do tomorrow ^^

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