Pokémon OC's!

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I have quite a few Pokémon OC's!

These OC's are from Pokémon Academy!

First up, we have Mahogany the Shiny Absol!

Mahogany hates herself for being a Shiny Pokémon, thinking this'll get her bullied because of that fact. She hides her ability to Mega Evolve. She's a tough one to befriend, but once friendship is required, she'll be your best friend 'till the end.

Jackson A.K.A. J-Money the Buizel!

J-Money is a super-popular, rich, friendly dude. He likes to swag everything up. He thinks that life is perfect. He can brag without knowing it sometimes.

Lunar the Eevee!

Lunar is a hyper goofball who loves making new friends. She hasn't a care in the world. She obviously wants to evolve to an Umbreon. Does she evolve into an Umbreon? You'll have to read Pokémon Academy to find out!

Skippy the Buneary!

Skippy is a friendly, happy Pokémon who is only popular because of her sister, Jumpy the Lopunny. She never really gets the chance to make new friends because she's always busy answering questions about her sister, who is very popular. She just wants a friend at heart.

Those are my Pokémon Academy OC's. Now we move on to RP OC's.

Melody the Latias!

Melody is a friendly, caring Latias who loves almost everything! She can Mega Evolve and likes battling! Here's her in Mega Form:

Melody is Mega Form may seem intimidating, but she is always an innocent soul.

Next, we have Amelia the Pikachu! She's a friendly, caring Pikachu who loves to dress up and cosplay! She is social, but can be shy at first. Once you get to know her, she's your best friend for life. She's rarely aggressive, only when agitated.

Here's Tod the Togedemaru and Cameron the Cutiefly!

Tod and Cameron are best friends for life, they are inseparable. They are never seen without each other. Tod's backstory is kind of sad. He lived with his family for a while, consisting of a Togedemaru father, a Mareep sister and a Raichu mom. Tod's family always knew a suspicious Alolan Marowak who one day burned down their home. Only Tod was able to escape the tragedy while his family perished. After he escaped, he saw a group of Cutiefly fly by. That gave him hope for a better life. He's very shy and hates battles, but friendly once you get to know him. He's never away from Cameron. Cameron met Tod one day and they were friends ever since. Cameron is shy and will hide at the sight of mean Pokémon, but is friendly and playful once his trust is acquired. Tod hates fire.

That's all of my Pokémon OC's for now! I will add more once I make more. Thanks for checking this out!

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