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Inspired By: Sleepykinky and Someone else that I'm too lazy to type their name cuz I forgot—

Voice Claim:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Doesn't belong to me

Colten Reaper
(Real Name: Chris)

Sexuality: Pansexual

Height: 6'9

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Species: Floofy Mean Catto.

Smoker?: EhH—

Drinker?: Yus, Alcohol Is De Best Drink Give Him Alcohol Jk No Don't.

Drugs?: uH mAybE.

Weapons: Bich Got Lots Of Those But His Favorite Is De Knifo And The Scythe.

Abilities/Powers: Shape Shift Bish, The Right Eye Can Change Shapes Based On His Emotions.

Relationship Status: Taken (Doge Momma)

Married?: Yes

Fears: Looking Back At His Shetty Past.

Job: dOcTeR hUe.

Parents: Dhris The Bich And Bich.

Likes: Children Tears, Edge, Gore, Earrapes, Killing Lots Of H0es, And Alcohol.

Dislikes: Children, Responsibilities, Easily Offended People, Eggos, Eyerapes, Erisstams/Erissums And Anything That Annoys Him.

Quote: "Succ Eggos, You Сука."

Personality: A$$hole, Pervert, Insane, Used To Be More Flirty, Still Got Humors But Still An A$$.


-Just A Really Meanie Beanie Guy And Doesn't Want To Do Anything With Anyone But He Loaf Killing H0es
-Very Hard To Earn His Trust <v>
-Don't Trust Him With Children
-H0e Doesn't Know How To Cook Any sHeTs But Burns Them hUe
-Acts Nice And Doesn't Act Suspicious When He's With A Lot Of Other People Until They Piss Him Off Really Good—
Just Don't Trust Him Cuz He A H0e
-He Got Lots Of Eggy Scars Hidden On His Body Cause He Was Abuse When He Was And Eggy Smol Boi
-Sometimes Doesn't Feel Any Pain And When His Arms Gets Cut Off, He Can Still Move The Cut Off Arm And Just Place It Back In Cuz Yes


When he was smol, he was abuse and never trust anybody because the the h0e is edgy. His school was just all about being perfect and shet, Nobody really liked him because he's not perfect like the others and his love for gore. he went to the living room and see a dumb lookin a$$ baby just laying on the floor. "Mum, Papa, WHO THE F**K IS THIS?" Smol Chris asked. They told him this is his brother and shet. They never told him that his mom was a pregnant h0e. Some few months later, His parents introduce him to some 7 year old cat girl named Sandra (yes another OC—) who doesn't even like him but they said that she'll be his future Waifu cuz why not. Chris didn't want any of this shet and didn't trust some random people he just met one bit. 32 days later, he met a 9 year old boy named Casuli, Chris of course didn't trust him but he was in a better mood today so Chris let him hang out. They had some similar stuff they really like. Now everyday, Casuli will always visit Chris and they became best friends. This was the first time he made a friend and trust someone. They follow each other everywhere and goes on lots of Aventures. But Chris felt different with Casuli now. When he saw Casuli with some other girls, he gets jealous and jumps into the Conversations they where having. He didn't really know his own sexuality because he was too young and didn't know much but he believed maybe he's just gay only for Casuli. Chris really wanted to be more then friends with Him but he's afraid what would happen if he did told Casuli what he really thinks about him. Chris didn't really bother to ask Casuli what his Sexuality is cause he don't want Casuli to question why do he want to know. Some days later Chris found out Casuli big sister committed suicide because she's tired of everything and regret her every single mistake she made. Casuli was very extremely upset about this. Chris never seen Casuli cry that much before and it hurts him watching his best friend cry. Chris tried to think of something to say and make him feel better again. He showed him some memes and said lots of positive stuff to him, Casuli kinda felt okay again but could be better But Chris killed Casuli with lots of kindness and funny a$$ memes so he finally calmed down and was so very thankful to Chris for making him feel better again.

After 1000000833sbuswhioiqhaooihIQGODDDDDfff later—
Chris was waiting for Casuli to come but he didn't so he came visit to his house instead. He saw Casuli packing his stuff and putting them in the car. Chris was kinda confused and wanted to know what's going on. Casuli explained to Chris that him and his family are moving to a opposite Country and they'll might not come back ever again. Chris was upset but he kept his cool even though he wanted to cry and shet. Chris thought maybe this is the right time to finally confessed his true feeling to Casuli. He confessed but Casuli rejected him because he was straight and liked someone else. Chris understand but was very disappointed and sad, he was hoping he felt the same way too but nope. Casuli told him to not worry and don't be sad, they can still be friends because true friends stays no matter what but Casuli have to leave forever and will really miss Chris too. After 2 years, Chris lost all of the New emotions that Casuli used to gave him. walked in the park with his younger brother Daxton. Chris got bored and annoyed with him already so he threw Daxton on a Pond. He didn't really know how to swim. But Chris got into a fight with two boys and one of their dog pit bull. They told the dog to kill Chris so Chris ran like a mother friccker that the dog couldn't keep up with him.
Chris ran to the hills with lots of trees and bushes there. He lost them so that's good. He then heard a soft high pitch voice coming from behind the bushes. He walked slowly and quietly followed the voice. He peaked and saw a smol female Shiba inu doggo on a tree singing. He didn't want to do anything with her so he slowly backed away but he accidentally stepped on a stick and it snapped so loud. She heard the snap and stopped singing. She got offed the tree and grabbed a rock. "Who's there? Show yourself! I HAVE A ROCK AND I'M NOT AFRAID TO USE IT!!" The Shiba inu yelled. Chris always knew he would get killed a girl someday. The rock hit him and he was so pissed. He came out of the bush and get to see clearly what she looked like closed. He did thought she was kinda cute but he just met her and still doesn't trust anybody. "THE H*LL WAS THAT FOR?" Chris yelled at the smol bean. The smol bean was scared but she apologized. They stopped yelling each other for a 13 seconds. They both calmed down and introduce to each other because yes, The smol bean told him her name is Laura Ellis. Suddenly, Sandra the h0e came, she saw Chris but then notice Laura. Sandra told Chris to come back home because they want to talk to him but Chris refused and told Sandra to f**k off in Japanese. Sandra then teased Chris that the only reason why he's not going because he got a new girlfriend. They both already knew that the girlfriend she was talking about was Laura but they just met like shet. Chris didn't want to do any Shets anymore so he left and was so very pissed and embarrassed. He went home and got in trouble because he threw Daxton on the Pond and refused to listen to Sandra. They decided to send Chris boi to a different school because Sandra was in that school. At least the school wasn't about being perfect and shet like that. The next the fricking day, he went to school and met the same smol grill from the hill. They spend time together and they have actually some similar things they really liked. Some months later, Chris felt a same feeling that he used to have with Casuli but now it's just Laura. He met others that Laura are friends with but he didn't really trust them of course. They made each other laughed and became best friends. When Laura was sad, Chris always made her feel better again because that what "friends" are for. But he got really annoyed by other kids saying that he likes Laura but nah. So he wasn't in the mood to be all jolly towards only to Laura today but Laura won and Chris cri himself like gay. Chris forgot all about Casuli and his relationship with him. But her mother was a racist bich towards cats so when she found out that Laura is friend with Chris, she told Laura to tell him to stay away from her forever. Laura was upset so she disobeyed her mom and kept spending time her friends and especially the Chris boi. Yhhhgwsgqs year something later, her big brother is a overprotective snitch b***h so he told on her mother about the relationship. Laura got in trouble and they told her that they are moving to a different house that's a miles away and they are putting her in a different school, She told Chris and they were sad beans now. But she gave Chris a bracelet so he can still remember that she still loves him nO hOmO
Chris really missed her but her two very closed female friends Ally and Dolores missed her the most tat they both cri everi tim.
100000000000000098283732273329718 HGWGFSSTEEEEEEEEEE years later Chris is now a Adult and now prefers people calling him "Colten."
He is a boss of this random a$$ hospital and most of the employees are his childhood bishes, he steals souls and secretly kills people cuz that's edgy. His slaves already knew he's still an Eggy a$$hole psycho but they get used to it but Daxton was still traumatized.
Colten still have Sandra h0e in his life though, She's still a bich.
He really hate Erisstams cuz they are just dumb bishes—
At de night, He was doing some random Shets. He had his black coat on and his mask. He wanted to kill more people and steal their souls. He saw someone but they looked very familiar...
It was Casuli, he's all grown and was working as a police officer. He had a ring on his one of his finger sO hE mUsT bE mArRiEd. Colten almost tear up but for some reason he shot Causli in the chest. Casuli actually recognized Chris and even though Casuli was slowly dying because of him, he forgives him and dies. Colten regret it so much.

Some Shets years later, its de day time lalalakk He got his long black coat and his mask again, he went outside and walked to find stoopied children that are so foolish and dumb enough to trust him. He finally saw two smol grills playing around and having fun together. He walked towards them and asked them to follow him cause he can take them to a wonderful world with other joyful friendos and lots of candy. One of the girl told him to f**k off or else she'll yell and her parents will call the police. Colten got pissed then pulled out a knife. The bunny got in front of the smol Erisstam and do the T-Pose to protect her. But he stabbed the smol bunny by the chest so she died. The other one ran away. He then killed de parents uWu

But 4 years later he finally caught  the same bich who ran away but she's 11 now. He threw her in a room with other kids there. Dumba$$ parents trust him with kids and it took forever to get them kiddos back so some few parents came back to the hospital to see their kids again but instead Colten bring them all to some random place that's full of traps and dangerous doors and Shets. Hoping they'll die by the traps and plans. But one of them is too smart for those Shets, it was a Female Shiba inu that was very familiar for de Eggy boi. She went through all the traps and was tired as fricc just wanted to see her adopted daughter named Emily again. Some of the parents finally used their brains and yelled at Colten that these Shets are killing them and they want to see their children now. Colten kept a poker face and stopped acting nice to them all. Colten stabbed one of the dumb parents and they all started to scream like grills, the female Shiba inu didn't screamed but was horrified. The dood tackled the tall eggy boi but he got stabby too. Right now some of them started to run and shet. The Shiba inu ran some where to find her kid and just get out of here fast. Emily escapes by blasting her gay gun to the door and ran like gay. They both went home.

But bish blah blah blah Shets they met again but still salt blah blah blah—
They both recognized each other cuz childhood is yes. Even though Colten was being a h0e to everyone and especially the children, Laura still loaf him and yeet. -Tired-Smol-Bean- (not sorry for tagging you :')) and Emily are still salty.

Doe they got they got married cuz they loaf each other and yes.
And they made a mistake called Lewis.

Dang this is long—

Smh have these two drawings—


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