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↑ smh i tried to put the old picture with the other old picture but something went wrong T^T

Big Extra credit for Quartelz for the gay bandanna
tHe HaT i StOlE fRoM gAcHa LiFe—

Oi Mai Fursona:

Voice Claim:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I don't own these
Its Quartelz voice-

Emily Ellis

Birthday: April 6 2007

Height: 4'Somthing—

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 11 (Lel I'm now 12)

Gender: Female

Species: Erisstam/Erissum (My Original Species)

Abilities/Powers: Bubble Cuz That's Gay, G A Y S H E T S

Weapons: G a y

Relationship Status: xX__Dumb_Trash__Xx

Crush: Bleach, Tide pod, Trash can, spicy memes

Fears: Dying, Being Alone, Spooky Shets Smh, Making More Mistakes

Parents: Nah They Got Murdered.

Adoptive Parents: Laura Ellis, Gay Bish Hœ.

Likes: YouTube, Arts, Jokes That Are Actually Funny, Peeps Who Makes Her Laugh, Trolling, Exploring, Beans With Lots Of Humors. And G a y.

Dislikes: Rude Beans, Blood, School (Aka Hell.), People Who Can't Take Jokes, And Drama.

Quote: "jajajajajajajajajajajaja I'm Super Mego Legendary Rare Ultra Gay Lord God."

Personality: Annoying But Can Be Fun, Depressed, Always Tired.


-She Called Herself Gay But Shes Actually Biiiiiiiii :)))))
-Lazy But Love To Explore.
-She Sometimes Have Issues With People's Personality And What They Do.
-Eyes Changes Shape Based On Her Emotions Cuz That's Gay.



When Emily was 5 years old, her parents and her are happy together but her parents feel like Emily is not really normal (I mean her parents are not really normal too—) and she really need a friend so she can socialize and be more happy. Emily didn't really like any of these people that her parents let them meet her but she finally found a 5 year old bunny in a bush and they really get along very well. they  became close friends and sometimes play violent With each other but that's okay. oNe DaY, Emily and Marianne was playing outside while Emily's parents were inside the house just talking and making lemonades. But then, a black cat with a mask walked towards the smol beans. Emily was confused while Marianne was shaking cause she has problems with cats that has a mask on. The pussi catto asked them to follow him cause he can take them to a wonderful world with other joyful friendos and lots of candy. Emily didn't really trust this guy especially Marianne. Emily then told the guy to f**k off and leave them alone or else she'll yell for her parents and they'll call the police. The cat got really pissed and pulled out a sharpe a$$ lookin' knife in his coat. Emily started to panic. Marianne got in front of Emily and do th T-pose to protect Emily but Marianne got stabbed in the chest, Emily screamed and cried then ran away as fast as she could to get away from him. Emily was now alone and she probably already know that her parents are dead too, she really miss them (I mean who wouldn't when their friend and parents are dead?). She looked everywhere for a new Family but got lost instead. She kept walking until she found a park. she then met a human named -Tired-Smol-Bean- (I don't know if we're still doing this Backstory qwq) and they followed each other around to find food and a new family or just trying to get back home. but they just find themselves back into the park. they gave up and just play around for a while but then 2 bishes walked together them and be son of a bishes to them. Error pulled a pencil out her a$$ and stabbed them. (Just kidding—)

Error use her claws to scratch them cuz they deserve that shet and the h0es parents got pissed and yelled at the smol bean Error and Emily but then a yellow Shiba Inu lady came and yelled at the shetty parents back for yelling a smol  children. The two smol beans ran away. Emily didn't notice her knees were bleeding until nOw. They went to a store and stole bandages with puppy dog eyes. They walked again and found the same Shiba inu lady that tried to defend them. Emily being Erisstam bish badly wanted to get a new Family ran up to the lady and asked her name, the lady told her, her name is Laura Ellis. Emily then asked her if she could be their new mother and let us stay fOrEvEr, Error just gave Emily the WTF face. The lady accept and blah blah blah blah—

It's going great—
Until that Eggy A$$hole came—

10000000000 years later, Emily met a new friendos like Alina, Den, Kyro, And Most Importantly Parily.

Jajajajajajajajajaja I'm lazy.

Happy life
Le logic

She met an Adorable Goat that was under a giant hole, Asriel and her are together, It was so gay.

Edit: I'm not a ASSriel fangirl anymore.

I'm so lonely QvQ

The Old Fursona:

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