💖🖼Artist Tag🖼💖

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Yellowwww 🙃

I'm bored so I invented a tag full of questions artists can answer X3 (anyone can technically do it cause I feel like writing is a form of art x3

Those are the questions ^^ let's get these answered! B3

1. How long have you been making art?

I've been drawing since I was around 4 years old and writing since I was around 6 years old. However, it's only recently that I've started to take those more seriously ^^ 💖🙃

2. What's your earliest, happiest art memory?

For writing, it was when I'd write my first ever trolls story in a notebook. X3 For art, I'd say it was around when I would color coloring sheets at 4 years old and my mom would join me :'3 💖🥺

3. How did you develop your artistic skills?

For writing : writing my own stories in a notebook I'd take with me everywhere helped me with my writing abilities ^^

For art : just simple practice, youtube tourtrials and LOTS of it. 🙃

4. What made you want to make art?

Well, believe it or not I HATED writing as a child cause of essays. With art, I liked it, but I would get bored VERY fast.

What made me wanna write was thinking of my own trolls movie ideas that were not in any of the wattpad books I had read, so I decided to write them myself ^^

With art, I'd say was A LOT of jealousy on here. I'd look at all these artists on here who are amazingly talented and I'd think to myself "I wish I could do that. I want to be as good as them." So after awhile, I decided to start taking drawing more seriously and overtime LOVED it so much 🥺💖😭

5. Where do you find inspiration to make art?

All kinds of places!💖 It rlly depends tbh. But I find art and writing ideas from music (Ed Sheeran hehe >X3 ), Role-playing, daydreaming, and sometimes through things that happen in my life <3

6. What was the first art piece you made that made you think "My art is really going somewhere now?"

Hmmm kinda tough ngl

Ig maybe when I learnt how to edit gacha characters on a real background in custom poses 🥺💖

This x3 it was the first time I made a gacha character holding a child :'3 as u can see it was Ocean and Ember 💖

7. Do you have an old art piece you are still very proud of?

Who doesn't lol? I have a hunch we all have an old art piece we are still proud of x3

Here's mine :3 my first ever colored gacha edit of esmerald 🥺💖😭

8. How many arts have you made so far this year alone?

I counted a few days ago and so far I'd say it's around 50 arts this year? Yeah I draw too much 💀💀😄😅

9. How has your art style changed?

Hmm well my art has DEFINITELY changed a lot. I suck at explaining so I'll just show u two different art pieces and u can judge lol ^^'

My art from 2022 (or 2021 the date is unclear :p ) (trigger warning 💀)

Ahhh back in day when I couldn't draw full trolls and had to draw their head and bodies separately 👍  I showed this to my sister and she's traumatized from it 💀💀👍👍 

Now my art looks like THIS ^^

10. What do you do when you have artists block?

Usually I take a break from drawing and rp with my friends, daydream a bit for ideas, and listen to music ^^


11. Who are your biggest art influencers?

I have A LOT! Like not joking, all of yall are so talented with your arts! But some of my main art influencers are :





Imma just tag 4 so I don't spam like 90 people 👍 💖💖 but if ur one of my friends, ur an inspiration! A yummy Irishman / Irish women! And that's a high compliment B3

12. What are some of your artistic struggles?

Hmm, DEFINITELY drawing gacha characters facing forwards, backwards or sideways. I've been trying to draw a front facing character for MONTHS, and it STILL looks weird 💀😭

I also struggle a bit with shading skin and clothing ^^'

13. What environment to prefer when making art?

Eh, tbh I live in a loud family (IN THE LOUD HOUSE, IN THE LOUD HOUSE-)

So I'm kinda used to drawing with noise around me. Tho my ideal space to draw would be completely quiet (except for some ed sheeran music), and me sitting or laying on a bed with the air conditioner on :'D

I can't draw that well in moving cars or in school cause my teachers keep me fairly busy and there's too many people around for me to focus soooo- 💀

14. Do you have certain arts that you use to make a statement?

All my arts include this statement : "HELP THIS GIRL, SHE DRAWS TOO MUCH" 💀💀

But like SOME of my drawings make statements or show emotions. I made a "Stand With Ukraine" last year to make a statement about what Ukraine is going through.

Ngl all my arts make their own statements, it depends on what you see and feel when looking at it ig 🤷‍♀️

15. Do you believe art is a necessity for science?

Duh! Ofc I do! I mean without art, where would colors be? How else could humans express themselves without using some form of art? Art Is more than just throwing stuff on a sheet of paper- like without art, how would we make the blue prints for buildings? How would we be able to make educational diagrams or have fun preforming?

Art IS a necessity for society in my opinion! 💖👍

16. How do you define success as an artist?

Honestly I feel like any artist has their own definition of success 🤷🏼‍♀️

But my definition of artistic success is basically when u enjoy your arts change gradually and getting happier each time 💖💖💖 X3 cause how art changes is unpredictable. If u love art and wanna keep practicing you'll be successful :3 that's all it takes : practice ^^

Tags (This tag is optional lmao, u can do it if u wish or u can choose not to x3 also I'm not gonna tag people that I've already tagged twice in this x3 )
















K dont wanna spam too many people lmao x3 if I didn't tag u but u wanna do it, feel free :3

Imma go procrastinate over art :D



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