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Name: Epipamon (Name derived from the word Episcias, an African flower.)

Artist: Jeyson Rc (can be found on telegram.)

Level: Rookie

Likes: To be around Haru, taking care of dying plants, and learning about the human world.

Dislikes: Thinking about her past, Haru's mother, someone bringing Haru down.

Strengths: Her ability to control the wildlife around her.

Weakness: Her drive, to want to save everyone.

Attacks: Wild vine- Holds her hands out. As a vine wraps around an opponents leg or arm.

Sweet harmony- She closes her eyes. As pheromones gets sent into the air from her flower on top of her head. This attack causes an opponent to become daze, and may even cause it to calm down. If it is enraged.

Possible prior forms: Budmon, Chocomon, Tanemon, Yokomon

Possible Digivoultions: Arbormon, Butterflamon, Nymphamon, Vegimon, Sunflowmon, Togemon, Woodmon, Weedmon

Additional information: Epipamon are rookie level digimon that travel the digital world in small groups. Seen to be healers and gatherers. These digimon are considered to be the hippies of the digital world. They are seen to be very beautiful, the dress they wear, can change throughout the season with just a slight thought. Epipamon are also known for healing the wilderness around them. Haru's Epipamon once told everyone. That she was forced to wear a mask, by a witch digimon. Because the witch digimon heard her boasting about her beauty. The mask makes Epipamon's appearance to look wither and ugly. Only a tamer of pure heart, can remove the mask from her.

Name: Nymphamon (Name derived from the word Nymph, a mythological spirit of nature imagined as a beautiful maiden inhabiting rivers, woods, or other locations.)

Level: Champion

Strengths: Controlling the wilderness around her.

Attacks: Leaf shards- pulls some leaves from her long hair, and throw the blade like leaves at a opponent

Ivy lash- Spreads her arms out, as vines lash out from the ground. Can cause damage to an opponent, or hold them in place.

Possible Prior forms: Dokunemon, Floramon, Lalamon, Mushroomon, Palmon, Wormmon

Possible digivoultions: Algomon, Blossomon, Cherrymon, Lilamon, Lilymon, Mervamon, Petaldramon, Pumpkinmon, and Tilymon

Additional information: These digimon are considered to be very beautiful. Seen throughout the digital world. But only those with a keen eye may see them. There are many variations of Nymphamon. Some that have the appearance of water, some that are made up of wood, while others can appear as anything that surrounds them. Nymphamon is a tough champion level digimon. Not willing to back down from a fight, these digimon protect what matters most.

Name: Tilymon

Level: Ultimate

Name derived: From Tily, a fairy that was known in norse mythology. A tiny little fairy that healed wondering travelers.

Strengths: Healing

Attacks: Healing song- Holds her hands together, as she lets out a beautiful song, that heals her friends that are close by to her.

Daisy sunshine: Holds her hands together, as daisies appear behind her and fire multiple rays of sunlight energy at her opponents.

Ivy trip: If in her small form. She can create a small trap for a larger digimon to trip upon. She then can creature multiple bindings to keep them tide up into the ground.

Possible prior forms: Algomon, Kiwimon, Togemon, Sunflowmon, Nymphamon, Gatomon

Possible digivoultions: BanchoLilymon, Lotusmon, Marin Angemon, Ophanimon, Rosemon

Additional information: Tilymon are fairy like digimon that protect digimon and humans alike who are pure of heart. They are seen to be healers and gathers. But when a fight is needed, these small elf-like fairies pack a big punch! They are quick in the air, and quick to turn into a small source of light. To be seen by an enemy. If you see this ultimate digimon, you better pray this fairy digimon is on your side.

Mega: Unknown

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