Canine Barca (Revived RWBY Ver.)

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Introduction of Character

Name: Canine Barca
Nickname: The Remnant Ripper, The Monster of Atlas, The Crooked Man, Gluttony
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Faunus (Coyote)

Symbol: Paws

Affiliation(s): Schnee Dust Company, Atlas

The Character's Appearance
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 54Kg
Eye Colour: Grey (Without Contacts), (With Contacts) Yellow with Black Sclera
Hair: White
Complexion: White

(Without his Mask)

About The Character
Status: Active
Occupation: Psychiatrist, Chef, Surgeon, Owner of the 'Gem Sanctuary Corporation'

Handedness: Both
Clothing: (Usually Suits with his mask on, but when it's off he dons a Black Dress shirt with some Black Jeans and Black Business Shoes)
Outfit Colours: Black
Physical Characteristics: His teeth are all sharp like that of a Canine, it can rip and tear meat easily, His face has been wounded severely by past problems to leave flayed skin and his teeth gleaming, representing himself as more of a Monster than a Faunus.
Accessories: Contact Lenses (Makes his eyes Yellow and have Black Sclera to hide his Bloodshot eyes)

(His Mask whenever he is out in Public or dealing with Business Matters, he only takes it off whenever he is at home or with people who know about his Tragic Fate with his Face.

Personality: Despite his homocidal nature, he appears to have a certain empathy for others on some occasions. During his first case with Ironwood, he assisted Ironwood in saving Penny when Pyrrha used her Semblance in the Vale tournament from destroying her.  He despises banality, and has an acute love of fine arts, food, literature, and music. He is depicted as a man of taste and details, and a nearly-obsessive perfectionist. He takes an instant dislike to "rude" people, such as Qrow. Canine is very particular about what he eats, most of his meals are self-prepared. He claimed once that he does not believe in cruelty to animals and only purchases meat from ethical butchers, although this may have just been an abstruse joke about his true appetite. While talking with Jacques, Canine noted that he did not consider himself a 'cannibal' as that implied eating one's equals, reflecting his usual standards of only eating those he considers inferior in some regard while leaving those he respects relatively alone. Canine also frequently holds small and extravagant dinner parties for his colleagues and friends. His guests have included Ironwood, Jacques, Winter, Ozpin and Jacque's wife. While they seem to enjoy the elegant meals, they are unknowingly consuming Canine's victims. Ozpin and Winter eventually figure this out, with great disturbance.

Fear(s): Rude People Living
Likes: Eating Inferior People, Classical Music, Art, Business, Refined Language, Dressing Beautifully.
Dislikes: Inferior People, Grimm, Hunters.
Habit(s): Slow-Dancing when Classical Music is being played
Fatal Flaw(s): His Activities put him at risk with his Company and Social Status.

Strengths: He has a very good sense of smell, evident in how he often identifies Ironwood by his aftershave before he even enters the room. He claims that when he was younger, he was aware of his teacher's stomach cancer, even before he was. He's a Therapist, He is also a sadist, albeit an incredibly elegant one with a highly refined aesthetic.
Money, he has money to get things done. Hire Assassins to clean up any messes that discover him or even bribe people to do shady things in the dark.
Skilled Fighter
Weaknesses: Unknown

Weapon Name: Delicacy

Weapon Description:

Relationship With Others
Crooked Man, Traitorous Faunus, The Man with the Golden Mask, Unrefined Gem Collector, Gem Trader, Exquisite Gentleman, Coyote, Sin of Gluttony.
Friends: Ironwood
Team: None
Enemy(ies): Ozpin, Grimm, Salem, Schnee Family, Anyone who finds out about his Secrets.

The Character's Abilities
Agility: 7/10
Swordsmanship: 10/10
Long Range Accuracy: 0/10
Defense: 8/10
Offense: 10/10
Aura: 7/10
People Skills: 10/10

Special Skill(s)/ Semblance:
Night Vision
Sense of Smell


Absorption is one of the rarest Semblances there is. This Semblance allows its user to get abilities or Semblances of other beings and things by eating them. No matter how hard or poisonous something was, the person would be able to eat it.
Canine could tear through the likes of iron and gold easily, while toxins would be restructured, rendered harmless and edible inside the body. The characteristics of whatever It's eaten, whether it be an item or another living being, would be absorbed and assimilated, so that the one that absorbed could use them as well.
Strength of the ability that was gained through absorption depends on the quality of the substance and its freshness.

Brief History: Canine was born in Mistral to Karnan Barca, a Mistral aristocrat and Lady Peach, an Atlethian mother. Orphaned at a young age, Canine became something of a father figure to his younger sister Charlotte, after their parents died. Charlotte was one of the few people in his life that Canine would ever truly love, caring about her so much that he denied his early homicidal tendencies for her. Under unknown circumstances, Canine was attacked by Human Racists, Cutting up his face while he watched as Charlotte was killed, after they left with Canine as his teeth and torn face were pounding in pain, Canine ate her remains as a way of forgiving her for making him deny his true self. At the age of 16, he was adopted by his uncle Vlad and his aunt, Marianne. Canine became very close to Vlad's handmaiden Chihiro and they eventually began to think of each other as family. Canine eventually found the man that was believed to have killed Charlotte and wanted to kill him, Chihiro however, managed to dissuade Canine from doing this and so he decided to leave the man's life in Chihiro hands. Chihiro descided to keep the man a prisoner under Mansion Barca as punishment.
Some time after leaving Mansion Barca, Canine journeyed to Atlas, which is where he first began his career as a serial killer. He crafted his victims into images that were described as "haunting", Canine's work eventually caused him to be given the name "the Monster of Atlas". Canine was considered a suspect in the crime by inspector Pazzi but despite a search of his home, no evidence could be found that connected Canine to these crimes. Eventually another man was convicted of being the Monster, simply because of his character and Canine soon after left Atlas. Canine came to Vale after receiving an Internship at the Vale medical school because of his drawings. Canine studied to become an M.D but eventually chose to leave the field of medicine in favour of becoming a psychiatrist and Business Man of Mining Unrefined Dust. Canine used his position of power to persuade some of his more susceptible patients into committing murders, mostly because he was curious to see what would happen. Canine also continued killing people, preferring to kill those he deemed as "rude" because they were no better than "pigs" to him. Canine became known as the Remnant Ripper, a serial killer that would mutilate his victim while they were alive and surgically remove their organs so he could cook them, preferably when he was hosting a dinner party.

Trivia: Canine has shown to be a skilled and brutal fighter, as he was able to take down Yang with only some difficulty, and he was shown to be able to defeat Qrow, although his victory was an exceedingly close call. In addition to his skills as a fighter, Canine has also shown that he has a high tolerance for pain, as most of the times that he has been injured, he has shown very little reaction to pain.
Canine has a current body count of at least 60 victims in total and still counting.

The 1st Sin of Remnant, Sin of Gluttony

Theme: Voracity

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