Dexter Vagabond (Old Remastered RWBY Ver.)

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Introduction of Character

Name: Dexter Vagabon
Nickname: 80 Million Lien Man
Age: 77
Gender: Male
Race: Faunus (Eagle)

Symbol: Eagle Eye

Affiliation(s): Himself

The Character's Appearance
Height: 5'11"
Weight: Unknown
Eye Colour: Yellow
Hair: Grey
Complexion: Tanned/White

About The Character
Status: Active
Occupation: Outlaw

Handedness: Both
Clothing: Dexter has a signature Black Trench coat with a white tank-too underneath along with black cargo pants and Black combat boots.
Outfit Colours: Black and White
Physical Characteristics: Bullets wounds and scars around body, Two scars on the back where wings were supposed to be
Accessories: Yellow tinted glasses, Piercing in right ear.

Personality: Dexter displays two very distinct personalities. Initially, Dexter usually exaggerates foolish characteristics to make people feel un-threatened and to hide his identity, as well as using these outrageous actions and chronic kindness as a way to mask his own pain. He exhibits an almost obsessive love of doughnuts, engages in lecherous behavior, plays games with the local children and aids and befriends the adults.

Dexter's other side is an utterly tormented and lonely being, and is rarely shown when he is in the company of others. Due to his long life, legendary and infamous reputation, Dexter has lost both a great many friends and his only family. In several instances people he trusted have either betrayed him or been killed for simply knowing him. For 20 years he was a hunted man and frequently had to hide his identity and fend off waves of persistent bounty hunters. Thus, he is often prone to brooding and depression whilst alone or engaging in deep introspective thought. Despite his long suffering and ill-treatment by human beings, Dexter chooses to remain hopeful and loving toward humanity.
Because Dexter refuses to kill any of his opponents, he often suffers at the hands of a number of very unscrupulous enemies. As a result, his body is a patchwork of large scars, chunks of missing flesh supported by metal mesh, and stitch marks. Despite his hesitance to show his body (especially to females, whom he believes would be repulsed), Dexter never uses his Semblance to remove them or repair his body, instead keeping the scars as a reminder of the price he pays for his unlimited mercy.
Fear(s): Complete Loneliness
Likes: Doughnuts, Traveling, Socializing, Alcohol.
Dislikes: Getting Attacked, Atlas, Ironwood.
Habit(s): Speaking in a Texan accent
Fatal Flaw(s): His Mercy

Strengths: Dexter has shown a superhuman level of agility, strength, reflexes, eyesight and complete muscle control. Dexter has often shown the ability to dodge bullets at close range and dodge skilled melee attacks. During a gun duel competition in Vacuo, Dexter was able to prevent the deaths of many of the competitors by throwing rocks at key moments to knock bullets off their lethal courses. Dexter is possibly stronger than most human beings as seen when he was able to lift Yatsuhashi and Fox up with ease. Finally, his intelligence is stated to be superior to that of most humans as he is able to formulate precise non-fatal shots off of surfaces and objects. Dexter once shot an apple off of Jaune Arc's head with his eyes closed. He also intentionally grazed the skull of Ironwood while he was flying in a ship, since he was asked to take him down non-lethally. Dexter also has amazing hand movement with having the fastest draw of the gun on Remnant as well.
Weaknesses: His Mercy towards everyone.

Weapon Name: Caliber Silver

Weapon Description:

Relationship With Others
The Merciful Man, The 80 Million Lien Man, Hunted, Old Man, The Gunslinger, The Last Outlaw, The Man whom Never Misses, The Walking Disaster.
Friends: Ozpin, Leonardo.
Team: None
Enemy(ies): Salem, Ironwood.

The Character's Abilities
Agility:    10/10
Swordsmanship:    2/10
Long Range Accuracy:   10/10
Defense:   10/10
Offense:   8/10
Aura:  10/10
People Skills:   8/10

Special Skill(s)/ Semblance:

Hawk Eyes

Dexter can see incredibly far distances and precision which assist him in his shooting which is why he is dubbed 'The Man whom Never Misses' though he just shoots to incapacitate.

Trade-Off (Semblance)

For whatever reason, Dexter can replace his injuries with a target who has injured him. Dexter refused to ever use his Semblance though.

Brief History: Dexter and his twin brother Linus were discovered aboard a Atlas ship by a scientist named Pram. Pram raises them over the course of a few months, where they quickly grow over the time learning under Pram.
While experimenting with the ship's databases, Linus disrupts the navigation system, triggering an alarm and waking the dormant passengers aboard. Pram quickly corrects the system and sends the passengers back to sleep, but one awakened crew member, Dr. Conner, discovers Dexter and Linus. He agrees to keep their existence a secret after talking with Pram.
Linus and Dexter later accidentally stumble across a restricted area aboard the ship, and there discover that they were not the first children Faunus to be raised on this ship. Another Faunus, Qraw, had been studied by the crew aboard the ship, and subjected to continuous scans and vivisections that eventually led to his slow and painful death.
Linus falls into a shock-induced coma. Horrified, Dexter locks himself away and declares his hatred of humanity. Afraid and feeling alone as one of only two independent Faunus amidst hundreds of Humans on the ship, Dexter attempts suicide. Pram intervenes, and Dexter accidentally wounds her in the process. At first calmed by the sudden catharsis of hurting a human, Dexter then becomes horrified by what he has done and saves her. Pram shares her own troubled past and convinces Dexter to have faith in the limitless potential for the future, and Dexter gains a newfound respect for life.
Linus having losing his sanity to the sight of Qraw is now unable to believe that humans and Faunus can ever coexist, He uses what he learned from his accidental tampering with the ship to crash the Fleet on the nearby Continent Vacuo. Linus tries to wipe out all the humans while saving only those ships necessary for him, Dexter and the other Faunus that survive to live on the continent. Pram sends Dexter and Linus aboard an escape pod, but stays behind to try to correct the navigation and save as many people as she can, sacrificing herself as a result. Aboard the escape pod, Linus reveals his involvement in the fall. With nowhere else to go Dexter follows Linus as they wander Vacuo, watching what few humans survived build cities around the crashed ships.
As Dexter later notes, the Great Fall that was intended to save Faunus from humans ironically only made humans more exploitative of Faunus than ever, forcing them to slowly drain Faunus as slave resources to survive amidst the harsh conditions.
Dexter and Linus eventually separated after Dexter was captured in a small town and Linus killed all the people to save him. Horrified, Dexter shot Linus in the shoulder, causing Linus to retaliate by slicing off Dexter's Hawk Wings. Following their separation, Dexter wandered Vacuo until he was found by a group of humans that lived aboard a still mostly functional automobile. Dexter adopted the city as his new home. When Dexter traveled to the city of Ashura in search of a Wanted Man named Blighter Jack, Dexter correctly believed him to be the pseudonym of Dr. Conner, who had used his knowledge of medicine to build a wealthy life in Ashura. However, he is confronted by Linus, who has already forced Conner into his service. Linus captures Dexter and has Conner study Dexter's semblance to better understand its abilities. Linus decides to attempt to activate Dexter's dormant semblance forcibly, but the plan backfires and the blast obliterates Ashura, directly killing 200,000 people and severely wounding Linus. The incident secures Dexter's reputation as The Walking Disaster. The Vacuo Academy Headmaster contacts the council which places a bounty on Dexter for $60 Million Lien for whoever brings him back dead or alive and is blacklisted in every continent.

Trivia: After the explosion, Dexter became a traveling Bounty Hunter/Grimm Hunter for income and usually sneaks his way into other continents for work.

Theme: Devil's Gonna Come

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