Noel Camaïeu

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Name: Noel Camaïeu
Nickname: None
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: human
Symbol: Camaïeu crest 

Affiliation: Camaïeu family

The Character's Appearance

Height: 155cm / 5'1"
Weight: 45kg / 99lb
Eye Colour: Silver (with grey iris)
Hair: Straight black hair that comes down to her waist.
Complexion: fair

About The Character 

Status: Active
Occupation: Assassin/mercenary
Handedness: Right-handed
Clothing: Casual clothes usually a shirt and short-shorts
Outfit Colors: Monochrome
Physical Characteristics: Slight short, fit, muscular, slender, and a bit buxom
Accessories: Her leg wrappings.
Aura Color: Gray
Personality: Noel is more or less your classic tomboy, she doesn't really like girly things, and would much rather fight than wear a dress. And she'd probably rather have a broken arm rather than paint her nails. Noel is an extremely curious individual and often looks for ways to entertain herself. She also tends to become rather clinging when she starts to like someone. She's also rather sadistic in battle preferring to slowly break them rather than just flat out killing them. However, if she senses that her 'prey' isn't going to be fun to toy with (In other words if they're not afraid and can handle pain) then she will kill them quickly as she'll see it as a waist of time otherwise. Noel is also very quick to push back when confronted about something before some with the logic of 'if you screw with me, I'm gonna screw right back'. She also likes to fulfill odd requests for her lover, and if her boyfriend goes to long without requesting something then she may take it upon herself to do it. (Example: If someone were to tell her she had beautiful eyes, she would rip one out and preserve it as a present for her loved one)

Fear: Noel will never admit it but she's terrified of fire. She's also afraid that her 'husband' will reject her once he sees all her scars. 
Likes: Fighting, torture, hurting people
Dislikes: Being hurt, hot places
Habit: fiddling with whatever is close by (which has gotten her into trouble a few times)
Fatal Flaws: Noel isn't know to take her opponents very seriously at the start of a fight. This has led to quite a few times where Noel has been wounded or gravely injured merely because she underestimated her opponent.
Strengths: Her loyalty to her friends, her fighting style is a bit hard for some to counter. 
Weaknesses: Overconfidence, doesn't take her opponents serious (until proven to be a threat) her rather short attention span. 


Weapon Name: Threaded thorn
Weapon Description: The bandages she keeps wrapped around her legs are her weapons. Each one can be unraveled into a rope dart. 

Relationship With Others

Reputation: The average person just sees her as your average tomboy who likes to start trouble. However many huntsman know of her family, and what they do. And while they'd fear her they know to at least be cautious around her. 
Friends: Kinatone
Team: None (I'll probably come back and edit this later)
Enemy: Ironwood, Vale police, Ozpin

The Character's Abilities

Agility: 9/10
Swordsmanship: 6/10
Long Range: 3/10
Accuracy: 5/10
Defense: 7/10
Offense: 9/10
Aura: 10/10
People Skills: 7/10

Special Skill(s)/

Semblance: Empress eye, a semblance that is always active to some extent. It's also the reason her iris' are grey instead of white as a small side effect. The more aura she channels into her eyes the more grey they appear and the more intense and precise her semblance is. While not channeling aura gives her slightly better perception when she is channeling her aura her vision is enhanced and honed in on her target. It gives Noel the ability to another person's body and movements with extreme detail. Thing such as their breathing, muscle movements or contraction, body tension, rhythm, sweat, and blood flow are all available for her to see. This allows Noel to be able to predict future movement

Brief History: Noel was born into a family of killers for higher. She is the youngest of five siblings. And while each of them showed great promised when it came to being a killer none of them were able to develop their families signature ability the emperor/empress eye. Noel however, did develop this ability leading to her becoming the 'heir' to the family. This of course caused her siblings to resistant her while she was growing up. She hated going from a beloved sister to someone that was being talked about behind closed doors, especially since she wasn't as physically imposing as her other siblings. This led to her becoming isolated and spending a lot of time away from home just looking for different ways to entertain herself. Noel has gained a reputation as a small trouble-maker due to her starting fights more often than she actually needs to. Sometimes she would fight just to fight making up a reason such as accusing someone of staring at her ass. Because of this she's been locked-up overnight several times, much to her families disapproval. She was hoping that her parents will eventually disown her so she doesn't have to be the leader of the family anymore and can just focus on entertaining herself and possibly returning her relationship with her siblings back to normal. As she trained her sadistic side began to slowly reveal itself leading to her becoming more specialized in hand-to-hand combat (specifically in the art of grappling/submission holds) However, this quickly clashed with her training later as she was forced to take a weapon that being rope darts. When she turned twenty-one she took over the family and is now the leader of the Camaïeu family. She hasn't been leading it for long but she's already established herself as a threat, even if she is a somewhat incompetent leader. 

Trivia: Noel's fighting style is that of a grappler. She prefers to put people into submission holds and make then submit. She knows more holds than anyone else in the family and has a hold for just about every situation. 
Noel also doesn't like using her weapon unless she has to, but even then she rarely uses it as intended, instead using it to bind her opponents together. 

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