Celia Azar

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Name// Celia Azar
Nickname// Clara or Claw
Meaning of name//
Celia- Heavenly or of the Heavens
Azar- Scarlet
Age// 10 years old
Gender// Female
Religion// Atheist
Sexuality// Questioning
Nationality// She lives near Kindu-e-Bandaka in the Hindu Kush mountain range in Badakshan Province, Afghanistan
Looks// Celia has slightly curly dark brown hair that reaches up to her shoulders and two separate thick strands merge behind her head, which form into one small ponytail and her eyes are light gray in color. Her skin is a slight tan color and and she is unusually skinny, as she weighs only about 46 pounds, and she is 4'5.She usually wears a white shirt that only just barely hangs over there belly button and has a silver button on it with a blue hem to it, and she isn't really Muslim but she has this hijab hanging from her shoulders that is light blue in color with a silver hem. Her pants only reach up to her knees and are white with a blue rim, while her ear has a rip on one so the top of her ear is slanted by what seems like she ripped out an ear tag or something, and the palms of her hands are scarred.
Personality// This girl usually likes to keep to herself, and if you get into her personal space, she gets pissed. As a snow leopard, she is known to be protective and usually likes to watch the towns people from her hiding space. If you try to start a fight with her, she will most likely ignore you, or smack you with her long fluffy tail (in her non human form). Her instincts are very acute, and even when she feels sick, she will try her best to hide it though at this time, her tail will be low and her ears are gonna be flat. In human form you'll see her constantly rubbing her chest or her trying to stand back from the crowd. Elodie is basically the only person who can calm her down, and she is always playing around with her. Ever mess with Elodie, and *waves hand in hair* get ready for her claws in your throat.
Likes// Celia loves the wild, and doesn't like being confined in a small area because she needs space to run.
Dislikes// Being brought down by cystic fibrosis, looking weak
Crush// None (At least not yet)
Species// Snow leopard
Powers// Shape shifter and acute senses
Backstory// Celia was born in Afghanistan in a very adoring family, who wasn't expecting a child with a terminal illness, but once she was brought into the world, she had to be taken away and be put into an incubator, being put on oxygen since she wasn't able to breath and was very underweight, then diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. The family was told she wasn't going to live past the night, then a week, then a year, then a 5 year old, and they were almost not wrong about that. While Celia was exploring the mountains near her home, she collapsed and had stopped breathing, where thankfully a girl had been curiously watching her, and brought back to the village, where she was revived. The family accepted Celia's life was going to be short, and did everything they could to make her happy, letting her experience life however she wanted. Elodie stayed with her throughout this, going through the thick and thins, surgeries and treatments with her, going to America with her for the treatments. When Celia moved, so did Elodie.
Mood board

Does she have any service animals// Yes, and it is a dog named Deva! She is not a permanent service dog, and is only used for service for certain situations that are rare.

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