Yuuji Kibou

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Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: Happy, air-headed, clumsy (Yuuji). Loud-mouthed, rash, confident (Kuuji). Distant, quiet, gloomy (Suuji)
Likes: Writing, games, books (Yuuji). Cars, bikes, himself (Kuuji). Darkness, being alone (Suuji)
Dislikes: Making a scene, bullies (Yuuji). Being looked down on, people touching his bike (Kuuji). Life, himself (Suuji)
Background: When Yuuji was young he was always happy and carefree but due to his air-headed attitude and clumsiness he was alone and after awhile and being abused by his step father developed personalities to keep him company those were the loud mouthed Kuuji and the life hating Suuji.
Other: The way he switches personalities are he switches to Kuuji when he wears his cap of when he is in intense physical pain, switches to Suuji when he puts his hood on or is in deep emotional pain and returns to Yuuji when he either sleeps, passes out, eases the pain or removes the cap/hood

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