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I hope most of you have heard of vikings and Thor and all that stuff, including Bifrost, the bridge that connects
Midgard(Earth) to Asgard, which is where Loki, Thor, Odin, etc live right? Well, Bifrost(the dragon) is based off this bridge...

Name: Bifrost

Age: 9

Gender: Female

Tribe: Ice/Rainwing

Looks: Icewing body shape thingy and spikey ruff and tail, Rainwing ears/rufflethings. Her underbelly and wing membrane  scales are constantly shifting color, her being unable to control them. They shift like the Aurora Borealis, so bright greens, light bright blues, and violety purples. Her overscales are very very very very VERY light baby blue marbled with white. Her eyes are a violety purple with hints of light blue and deep green.

Personality: Definitly tsundere, acts like shes better than everyone else, hotheaded and sassy

Crush: Open

Backstory: Youll have to read my backstories book(HOURGLASS) to find out : )

Other: N/A/Y


Pic made by AdharaSilver
{Its awesome btw!!!}

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