Aoi Yukaji

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Name: Aoi

Last name: Yukaji

Age: 16

Height: 5'2

Birthday: October 1

Siblings: Kao

Species: Human

Gender: "I should ignore you for that!" (Female )

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: "........." Sora

Sora: "But don't you think I'm annoying?~"

"Shut up you are!...anyway I can't sit here and argue...YORIKO COME HERE! "

Yoriko: "*walks to Aoi* Hm? "

"I've got a outfit you need to try on~ *Shows yoriko a very skimpy outfit*"

Yoriko: *Runs away*

"Hey get back here!"

Favorite food: smoothies

Favorite color: blue

Likes: decorating anything, shopping, designing clothes, forcing yoriko to wear her designs.

Dislikes: uneven fabric, sora bothering her, when yoriko runs away from her.

" Get back here! It's not like I'M the only benefiting from this! You can take all the pictures of me when we're done! "

Yoriko: "it's okay I don't need a model now ^_^ll" *still running away *

Personality: loves to dress yoriko in different outfits, always determined, outgoing, optimistic, but can be aggravating at times.


Other: yoriko uses her as a model in return for forcing him to dress up in her designs.

Yoriko: " hey no fair you said you were not going to dress me up today!"

"I lied, now come back here!"

Yoriko: "why did I agree to this!?"

"Just shut up and dress "

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