Kohato Kyashi

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Name: Kohato

Last name:  Kyashi

Age: 17 but looks 12

Height: 5'1

Birthday: November 5

Species: Human

Gender: "Do I look like a girl....... (º ロ º๑)" Male

Sexuality: Bi

Crush: Saku

Saku: "I accept... "

"Oh, I know you do"

Favorite food: "Cake! " any type of sweets

Favorite color: pink

Likes: candy, cakes, pies.

Dislikes: Vegetables, anything healthy

Personality: Innocent, happy, childish, intelligent, manipulative.


Other: He's was supposed to be assassinated but Saku, but saku saved him.

"That's why we are friends! "

Saku: " Friends.... Just friends... "*sighs*

"But I don't want to be friends!"

Saku: "You don't want to be friends anymore? "

"No I want to be your boyfriend!!"

Saku: "Oh... "*looks away *

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