Tenshi Taoreita

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Name: Tenshi

Last name: Taoreita

Age: ageless but looks 19

Height: 6'1

Birthday: January 1

Species: Fallen Angel

Gender: Male

Sexuality: bi "That's how I am..."

Crush: Korino "A fallen angel needs his demon to lure him to darkness~"

Korino: "I'm not evil"

"I know that...what I'm saying is that you make me how I am~"

Korino: "Then I did a bad job then..."

"so mean. "

Favorite food: Ice-cream

Favorite color: White

Likes: Korino, flying, teasing Korino, being active, helping people.

Dislikes: hot weather

Personality: flirty, mysterious, intelligent, curious, seductive, loyal.


Fallen angel form:

Other: he was kicked out of the heavens for falling in love with a demon.

"It's a stupid reason if I say so myself..."

Korino: "Yeah you should've stayed in the heavens instead of falling for me"

"But if it means loosing you,  I don't care what I am or where I am...I will love you forever"

Korino: *Blushes*

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