Quinn Valentine

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^^ I drew this photo about 2 years ago and I'm way better at drawing now so I'll probably re draw it later.

Are the part of a fandom: Yes, creepypasta

Name: Quinn Valentine ((her name used to be Helena Rose))

Nickname: bruise

Looks: ((look at the photo at beginning of chapter))

Gender: female

Age: 17-20

Summary of backstory: she was depressed and self harmed, but when her friend found out her friend told her to find other outfits. She took that as to kill her parents. The cops find out and take her to prison in 6 months. After 6 months she moved to a science lab. They did experiments on her non stop for 7 months. Something goes wrong after 7 months. She was given the ability to turn into a ghost. She escaped and killed everyone in the science lab.

Personality: creepy, speaks as if she is from another world, she wasn't fully there, and she doesn't think twice about what she says.

Weapon: she holds a rag to their face until they pass out. Then afterwards ((if she has the time)) she'll cut them open and play with their guts and insides. If she doesn't have the time she'll just cut there heads offs. The capture everyone persons soul that she kills in her locket.

Weaknesses: water, needles, and pills

Strengths: when is very light or dark outside and when it's super cold

Other: she is immortal but you can still kill her. She just won't die of a natural cause.

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