Hahaha my mind still wants us together

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After a dance recital I was walking out carrying the flowers my family gave me. I look over to see the people who hadn't been able to see the show, I see Mitch, Zak and Corine. But I saw gabe pushing his way through the crowd trying to get out. I ignore him and walk over to my friends, I give them all a hug but Corrine I look at her and say "did I spook ya?" Corrine laughs and I laugh but then I become serous "hey do want to see tomorrow's show I can get you guys tickets." They all nods but zak says "Abbie there's one more person with us he went to find you." I nod and walk into the stadium theater, I see gabe waiting where other dancers are leaving with their parents. I walk over and he hugs me tightly , "hey I'm so sorry I broke up with you I messed up I broke up with lyla and I want you back." He says I am shocked but I just nods and hug him back, he pulls a bouquet of flowers there were Daisies, baby's breathe, roses, and other flowers, we walk out holding hands and the others smile a bit but I pull out some tickets that were really good seats, there were enough for them and like 3 other people.

Damnit mind I know you want us back together but it's not going to happen ok? He broke up with me and I don't care anymore

Minds please just get over him already ok I don't need to be depressed

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