I cant stop crying

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I'll love you forever my princess you may have gone in a way to horrible for your gentle soul but you'll never be forgotten. You were my light at the end of the tunnel you made my shitty days better by just letting me pet you. I love you and I wish I had had my chance to say my final goodbyes three weeks ago when that asshole hit you with their car. I'm glad that some nice  cat people saw your body and were decent enough to bury you. I wish we had found out sooner and not three weeks after you had passed but you will live on my my heart and I just your last few years hadn't been been so shitty I wish my grandparents had loved you more then they did just because the got a dog gives them no right to Toss you aside I my rant has gone on long enough I guess this this me giving you one final goodbye. 😭😿😢

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