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Name: André Jordan Parker

Pronunciation: Ahn-Jray

Nicknames: AJ (preferred)

Age: 17

Birth date: March 9

Birth place: Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Current residence: Atlanta, Georgia

Zodiac: Pisces

Belief in Astrology: Not a firm believer,  but likes to look at the horoscopes sometimes

Sex/Gender: both male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual but leans toward women more

Species: human

Ethnicity: biracial (half black half white)

Nationality: Haitian-American

Main language: English

Known languages: English, French, and Creole

Personality: André is a pretty chill human being. He won't have a problem with anyone unless they give him a reason, but due to his anger issues and ADHD, it's fairly easy to give him one. His anger has made him do some unfavorable things, but he tries to keep his hands away from people he cares about. Other than that, there has been countless times where he's been chewed out by his coach for throwing his helmet, being unsportsmanlike, and starting fights. He also likes to mess around with people, with playfighting as one of his ways of flirting.

IQ: 115

Intelligence: 13/20

Common sense: 18/20

Reflexes: 16/20

Speed: 16/20

Flexibility: 12/20

Hand-eye coordination: 17/20

Upper body strength: 15/20

Lower body strength: 17/20

General Strength: 16/20

Dominance: 98/100

Submissiveness: 2/100

- Football
- Sneakers
- Longboarding
- hip hop
- Cooking to a degree

-People who lie to him
-When people see him upset
-dress shoes (they make him uncomfortable)

Habits: He has ADHD so he zones out a lot. He also has to move some part of his body at all times or he'll go insane.

Hobbies: Football and sneaker shopping

Occupation: doesn't really have one due to him still being in high school.

Children: None

Family: Father - Emmanuel André Evens - Alive - 40 - Market Owner in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

Mother - Ashli Jo Parker - Alive - 37 - Marine Biologist - lives in Atlanta, Georgia but started traveling abroad when AJ turned 16.


Skin tone: Tan in the summer, but it becomes more of an olive color in the winter.

Hair color: Very dark brown

Facial hair: some stubble but usually shaves, and eyebrows

Body hair: some arm and leg hair

Eye color: Brown

Vision: 20/20

What's done: Was born with it

Hearing: Perfect

What's done: was born with it

Lip color: An olive color mixed with pink

Height: 6'2

Weight: 185

Age appearance: 18-21

Scars: None

Tattoos: "lwayalite" on his left hand by his thumb.

Defining features: Usually his height

Special markings: no

Piercings: None





Backstory: André was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and lived there until he was 5. After he had finished the school year, he moved to America with his mother, who wanted him to have a safer life. At the age of 11, he got introduced to football, where he'd become a quarterback for his high-school football team at 15. His mother got the Marine Biologist job and started traveling the coast for more field work and conferences when AJ turned 16, leaving him to almost live by himself or relatives. He usually visits his father on breaks from school, and his father is very supportive of him and football.

Powers: None

-Good leader
-Can break tension
-Tries to be nice to everyone

-Gets angry easily
-Can breakdown when put through too much
-pretty reckless at times

Dreams: To make it to the NFL

Fears: Failure and that his anger will be too much and he hurts someone he cares about.

Phobias: Nothing specific

Best memory: His father teaching him how to drive

Worst memory: When he left Haiti for the first time.

Wants in a relationship: He wants to feel loved, someone who isn't afraid to be seen in public with him. He also wants someone who wouldn't mind going out and having fun with him (like an arcade or an amusement park).

Type of lover: will show affection and goof off when he has time to. He would try his best to make his significant other feel safe and loved.

One thing they couldn't live without: Football

Position: top

Love language: Play fighting, plain flirting, and sometimes dirty talk.

Turn ons:
-Being called daddy or cápitan
-Rough sex
-tying his partner
- ripping clothes
-pleasuring his partner

Turn offs:
-soft sex
-boring sex
-being humiliated
-not being in charge

Kinks: Daddy kink, bdsm, and roughness

Safeword: doesn't really need one


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