✩ Demon Slayer OC: Michiko Takeuchi✩

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Michiko Takeuchi
Reaper of the Demons
20 (physical)
107+ (Chronologically)
Human (formally)
Tsuguko (formally)
Blood Type

As a human, Michiko was always understanding and kind towards other. She's a bit like Shinbou in a way, expect she doesn't fake emotions. Even so, Michiko in the inside is mentally broken, mostly because of her past. She really enjoys sleeping, to the point you see her make an uwu face in her sleep.
As a demon, not much of her personality change, expect the fact that she's a bit of a coward and doesn't talk as much as she used to. Michiko refuse to fight anyone especially with humans. Because of that, she is also easily curious. After her memories as a human was gone, Michiko began to wonder about herself. Despite all that, Michiko is always calm and polite and is considered one of, if not the only kind-hearted demons out there. To those she felt close to, Michiko would always show some sort of affection like rubbing her cheek on others or a pat on the head.


Michiko was born fragile (not as fragile as Rui) which meant that she was physically weak. She was sent to an orphanage at the age of 4 since Machiko, her mother at the time had to go back to slaying demons. Of course, Michiko had a great life and a loving "family" but the only problem is that she wasn't allow outside during night time, which is when she is most active. One night at the age of 12, after hearing the news of her mother's death, Michiko mentally broke that the next night, she ran away from the orphanage. She then was met about some spirits that she can see. During those time, Michiko met Hiko in the forest whom she soon become really good friends with.
At the age of 14, the Demon Slayer Crops found her and Hiko wondering in the forest and took her in, thinking that she wasn't safe. From there Michiko train with Hiko and became a slayer. She was offered to be pillar but declined each time she was asked.
During on one mission at the age of 17, Michiko and Hiko went on a mission. Unfortunately Hiko died during battle and Michiko barely manage to see her friend dead that she fled. Hiko, the person whom she see as a brother, Michiko went on another mental breakdown, couldn't believe another another person whom she care for die but this time, in front of her eyes. It was up at that point that Michiko slowly dislike the Demon Slayer Crops, since the main reason Hiko and her mother died was by being part of the Crops.
Shortly after returning from the mission, Michiko ran away from the estate and lived in a spiritual forest, but due to this it spread rumors that the spiritual forest is haunted and is controlled but the undead.
Michiko completely aware of the rumors could've just told them it was her, but she was scared to connect with any humans, afraid that once Michiko becomes close with them, they would slip out of her fingers.
One night, Douma encounter Michiko in the spiritual forest since he was curious about the rumors. He offered Michiko to live with him and surprisingly, Michiko agree, thinking even though Douma was a demon, there was no way he would harm her.
And so for a while, Michiko lived with Douma at ease, she even figured out Douma use his followers as food but didn't mind since she felt empty to pity them.
Soon Douma asked Michiko if she wanted to be a demon. Michiko, who felt like emptiness and wanted nothing more than to be someone who she love without them slipping away, accepted. Though through the process of becoming a demon, it effected Michiko's vision that she had to wear bandages to recover after a while.

Douma is Michiko's love interest. Despite being a demon, the creatures that were the cause of her mother's and Hiko's death, Michiko felt as though she could trust him. This is only because she felt a empty hole in her heart but also she felt empathy for Douma. Michiko afterall, can see through his fake persona and past.
Tamoya was the one Michiko went to after becoming a demon. Knowing that Tamoya knows the reason of the pain in her eyes, Michiko went to her for a cure for Michiko's vision.
Akaza respects Michiko not just because she is a woman, but because of the experience Michiko went through in her human life. Michiko somewhat treats Akaza like a son, seeing that he went through a difficult and horrible life as a human.
Surprisingly, the two are really close. Besides Muzan, Nakime really opens up to Michiko. The present of a calm but empty woman made Nakime smiled once.
Muzan finds Michiko interesting. That fact that she is a former demon slayer yet hasn't slay a upper moon. He even offered her to become a upper moon but Michiko decline as she doesn't want to cause stress over her and him.
Kokushibo see Michiko as a daughter. He often loves giving Michiko pats on the head since he find it comforting for her and himself.
Daki and Gyutaro
Michiko sees the both as her children. Michiko show empathy towards them since she knew they had a very difficult time in their human lives. Despite the struggle of finding out about her human life, Michiko took the role of mother, since that's what her mother failed to do at the young age.
Machiko is Michiko's mother. Although being only part Michiko's life for a short amount of time, Machiko wants nothing more but her daughter to be happy. It was mentioned after Machiko died, Michiko was given a chance to become a Hashira in her mother's place, but she declined and rather be a Tsuguko.
Hiko is a childhood friend of Michiko. Michiko sees him as her brother and willing to stay with Michiko until the end just to see Michiko happy and whole.

Demon Abilities
As a demon, Michiko has the ability to regenerate and have intense speed and strength. However Michiko has developed her own abilities to see spirits and ghosts, even before she became a demon.

Blood Demon Art
Based on her mother's breathe style, Michiko used to use Breathe of Phantom, which later became her blood demon art. Basically her blood demon art is too summon and/or create spirits and phantoms for defense and offense.
Past Life
Michiko is the ability to see through someone's past except her own. It gives her an advantage to know their weak points but Michiko often feels empathy towards the ones the painful past.
Skulls of the Dead
Michiko has an ability that can somehow command large skulls head and control their actions with her mind. She can even see from their point of view however she wishes. However it can hurt her vision so Michiko often telepathically command them on her own.
Synth of Souls
Michiko has the ability to create her own synth from her own flesh for offense and defense in case she is forced into a fight. Thankfully due to her experience as a Demon Slayer, Michiko has great reflexes and reaction time. Her synth can even captures the souls whom had died or is dying in the process.
River Flow of the Dead
Personally one of Michiko's favorite moves to use whenever she seems "defenseless". She create an illusion of a foggy with a river. It contains souls of her opponents's lost love ones in order for her to have the advantage to drown and consume her opponents. According to Michiko, not once her opponents came back alive.


- her original name was going to be Kiyo, but I didn't find it fitting after a few thoughts

- her character was inspired by Yuyuko Saigyouji (Tohou), Suirou (Kamisama Kiss), and Dead Master (Black Rock Shooter)

- her move, River Flow of the Dead was inspired by the Sanzu River

- most of her abilities is mostly related to a reaper, which was why to both demons and humans call her the "Reaper of the Demons"

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