✩ Original Character: Echo Yumi ✩

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Echo Yumi
E, Human Calculator, EC-9
9 (physical)
Blood Type
November 20 (Scorpio)
3'9 ft
(some say she's heavy)

Echo has really pale skin with pale blue eyes. In her left is a human eye while the other that is cover by her medical eye patch is her robot eye. Her hair is pale whitish/grayish-bluish bob cut hair.
Echo wears a navy blue and white shirt with a blue mini scarf, navy blue skirt, white stockings, and black shoes. On cold weather, Echo wears a long sleeve version of her shirt while on warm weather she is seen with a short sleeve version with stockings that reach under her knees. She is sometimes seen with black and blue headphones, depending on where she is.

Echo is pretty emotionless. She would be either study or playing/drawing on her tablet that she brings almost everywhere, bored or not. Echo enjoys singing a lot. Echo often smiles at people she can trust and love. Echo is also very calm, so she rarely gets angry with people and is surprisingly calm in dangerous situations. Echo only likes some people patting her on the head, which makes her happy and relax. For people who can't pat her head, Echo gets annoyed easily. She also gets annoyed if people ruffle her head.

Echo was created by a professional professor from a university because of a project in one of his classes (which he got an A). Not long that he started to take care of her as a single father.
When she attended elementary school, Echo became very popular maybe because of her emotionless personality. But later the years pass by and the students that were her fans became her bullies. They say that she was getting 'boring' and that they want Echo to be more like them instead of a robot studying all day. Echo pretended to ignore it until one day the bullies damage her so hard that it revealed her robotic parts. The bullies went further into ripping one of her robotic eyes out and called her a freak. Echo came home with some unfunctional parts, especially her right eye and tells her father about what happened. Her father then made her online homeschooled as he worked. After her father graduated from university, they both moved out and into the nature that's near the city that they're moving into and not far from their old home. Since her father is always busy, Echo would often go outside nature and play or draw on her tablet/sketchbook outside in nature after she's done with her school work.

- technology
- math
- drawing

- physical books
- sports
- being bullied

- drawing
- playing electric pianos
- singing

- her robot name/code EC-9 came from the first two littles of her name and her age

- can draw digitally and traditionally

- only reveals her robotic-self to people she can trust

- knows math that's up to college

- often seen wearing her backpack (which has her personal stuff inside)

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