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Name: Duskstar (if he'd been a Warrior his warrior name would have been either Duskfang or Duskstorm)

Gender: male

Age: 8 moons

Sexuality: pansexual

Main/Minor: he's the main character

Clan: RavineClan (they technically live in a gorge but just go with it)

Rank: leader obviously

Appearance: Duskstar is a small, scrawny, lanky, short furred, thin furred, dark gray, almost black tom with large, fiery yellow eyes. He has a deep nick in his right ear

Personality: Duskstar is very playful, much to the disappointment of his seniors. But it's to be expected of an apprentice aged cat. While he isn't too smart when it comes to being leader, he does have a sharp mind and he comes up with good (but stupid) ideas quickly. As he grows older, he becomes more mature but still keeps his childish nature. While his maturity is improving, he's still ignorant to most things (battles, lack of prey, etc). Being in the middle of a war doesn't help. He has a temper and an attitude that are hard to control. This child is a sass monster

Backstory: Duskkit and Icekit were born to Stormstar and Swiftrunner of RavineClan on a nice newleaf afternoon. With Duskkit being the older of the two, he was automatically destined to be the leader of the clan. Unfortunately, RavineClan were at war with MoorClan. Snakestar, the leader of MoorClan, killed Stormstar, leaving four moon old Duskkit to lead the clan. Thistlebrook, the deputy at the time, decided to take Duskkit as his apprentice early, since they were without a leader. With the war becoming worse, Icekit, Jaggedkit (who was a moon older), and Jaggedkit's siblings were also apprenticed early.

Duskkit was forced to go the Moon Warrior (a cat-shaped stone, their version of Moonstone/Moonpool) and receive his nine lives. In the middle of his ceremony, Hawktalon, a HellClan warrior, broke through and attacked Duskkit, giving him the nick in his ear. While the rest of the cats there fended her off, Stormstar bestowed Duskkit's eighth life, the life of bravery. While Hawktalon had fallen back, they realized that only eight cats had shown up, that's when Hawktalon spoke up. She told them that she was his ninth life. After arguing for a while, Hawktalon stepped forward and touched Duskkit's forehead, ignoring his fear. Her life hurt him the most, the life of betrayal. Then, it was over.

Duskstar learned quickly that being leader was not as fun as he'd always imagined, and with his mother dead he had to rely on his brother and Swiftrunner. Once, (at six moons) while Duskstar was eating fresh kill with his brother, Jaggedpaw asked to eat with them. Under stress, Duskstar snapped at her, but she paid him no head, settling down next to him and digging into her prey. Duskstar immediately liked her.

His training with Thistlebrook was moving quickly, a little rushed. All of the apprentices were a little rushed but Duskstar only had a few moons to learn everything he needed to know.

His first battle was with CascadeClan, he didn't get too injured besides a couple of bruises (his clanmates were dead set on keeping him from getting hurt).

His first true act as leader, besides sitting next to Thistlebrook at Meetings, was making Featherpaw and Sunpaw warriors. After talking it over with Thistlebrook, Swiftrunner, and (secretly) Jaggedpaw and Icepaw, he called the clan together and managed to get through the ceremony, only messing up once. He named them Featherfur and Sunspot.

When he told Thistlebrook that Jaggedpaw and Icepaw would be moving into his den, Thistlebrook told him it wasn't allowed, only a leader's mate was allowed to sleep in their. Duskstar turned to him and said threateningly, "I am the leader, my word is law. Jaggedpaw and Icepaw are moving to my den and that is final." Thistlebrook was proud that Duskstar was no longer taking orders, instead giving them.

That's where we leave off. In the future I plan on having Hawktalon come back and try to manipulate Duskstar. Haven't decided whether it works or not. I don't know if I want Jaggedpaw to become Duskstar's mate or not yet, probably not though.

Mate: Jaggedpaw/tail (possibly) - a black and white dappled she-cat with a crooked tail and pale amber eyes

Kits: none yet


Mother: Stormstar (deceased) - a large, broad shouldered gray she-cat with blue eyes that fade into green near the bottom

Father: Swiftrunner - a long-legged, skinny black tom with a white underbelly, paws, chest, tail tip, and bright yellow eyes

Brother: Icepaw/storm - a black tom with a white underbelly and tail tip and blue eyes

Best friend: Jaggedpaw/tail - appearance listed above

Mentor: Thistlebrook - a brown tabby tom with spiked fur and green eyes

Enemy/Other Mentor: Hawktalon - a mottled brown she-cat with sharp yellow eyes and long claws

Cause of death: not decided. I'm thinking about having him die in the war but like I said, not decided

Place of Residence: if I decide to have Hawktalon succeed, he'll go to HellClan, if not probably MoonClan (StarClan)

Anything extra:

When a leader dies, his or her oldest kit will become leader after him or her

It is the duty of the deputy to mentor the future leader and teach him or her the ways of the clan and the duty of a leader

A leader is entitled to have kits, of he or she does not, his or her oldest sibling or firstborn niece or nephew will become leader

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