Genshin Impact OC

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"Ah, hello Traveler. It's a pleasure to meet you for once. Would you mind talking a little bit over a cup of tea?"

Name: Takeda

Title: Clouded Booker

Age: Unknown

Home: Khaenri'ah

Affiliation: Liyue Adepti

Description: Mystery surrounds the knowlegeble greeter as he offers guidence to others clouded in their own mysteries. Ones can only wonder how he's gathered all of his information. Others suspect he's a eight god. But thats speculation.

"Hmm... I don't think this was post to take like this... did i add pepper instead of sugar?"

Weapon: Catalyst

Element: Pyro

Ability: Takeda fires a cone-shape blast of fire in the direction he's facing

Ultimate: Makes magma rises out of ground like a gyser.

Personality: Takeda is quiet and reserved, often being the silent one in a group. He observes almost everything as he finds interest in practically anything. While his best talent is his knowledge gaining skills, he's perfectly able to cook and clean, even good with words, making the perfect house husband. However, he seems to have a slight forgetful memory, keeping a notebook with everything he's learned or needs to do. He's has a slight addiction to tea, so be sure to share a cup with him. He's completely sympathetic for anyone, but he's as dull as a stone when he faces people that tries to use their own pain to cause pain for others.

"I'm afraid you don't understand other people's suffering... i'll have to make sure you're left as a mystery... one that I have no interest in."

Sexuality: Straight/Bisexual (he's confident that he's straight, but he's cloudly on the feelings on love so he doesn't know for sure)
Love interest: Gingguang
Relationship Status: Friends-possible lovers
•They met when Gingguang was just starting to learn the ways of a merchant.
•While they mostly meet to share a exchange of words and for transfer of documents, they can be found enjoying each other's company.
•Takeda can't wrap his head around his feelings for Gingguang so he doesn't know that he loves her.
•they can be found resting against each other after they share a drink every once in a blue moon as much as the merchant lady denies or the booker forgets.


Xingqiu: "Xingqiu... a wonderous spirit that one. Two sides of the same coin, one being that polite second son/daughter everyone knows. The other... Heh. That's best for you to find out."

Albedo: "He's called a Genius and he is... on some levels. There's still so much for him to learn. Perhaps, i could give him some pointers in the future."

Venti: "The god of freedom... i envy his enthusism, but i wonder how he handled becoming a god? Maybe he could help me?"

Mona: "Poor girl. Always resorting to theft to pay for her dues... didn't i just have more coins then this?"

Barbara: "Such a polite girl with a beautiful singing voice. She could make it big if she didn't remain in the church. But i'm sure she'll figure her own path out."

Xiao: "its a shame that he had to seclude himself. I joined the adepti after he departing so I never got to greet him. I'll have to remember to find him and see if he likes tea."

Bennett: "Bennett's a good person. Even his intention are obvious to tell. But, I worry for his health. Im afraid he may hurt himself badly one of these days."

Diluc: "Hmm. Grumpy is one word for the Master of Wine. Cautious is another. Or was that dillusional? There's so many to describe him. But to choose one... Friend."

Sucrose: "Ah. Such a sweet girl. She does good as Albedo's apprentice. I hear she's been keeping up to his expectation. I'll see if i can check on her one day if im not late."

Appearance and outfit:

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