Aspen Evergrove

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Aspen Evergrove



Bi.. Straight... Asexual... who really cares anyway?
It's life or death

She's also pretty short

Aspen isn't one to do the dirty work... or work at all. She barely passed Junior year how do you expect her to do the work now? When she thinks about it and is silently weighing her options she is more likely to help out. But only sometimes!
She is naturally sarcastic especially when she is really annoyed. Being a whining child is the second thing she is good at. She complains mostly about having to work or doing something that will benefit the team. Aspen will usually given in about a few minutes in but no one said it had to be done right.
She can only handle stress to a certain point and when that breaks she starts to get very overwhelmed. She'll usually get away from others and have a full on meltdown.
She not the best at making friends since she not the warmest and most sweetest person ever. Not that she has ever had any friends...

Jackknife, Small melee weapons (light weight)

Her memory is really good and is persuasive

-Her hat was her older brother's... who left with her mom when her parents got divorced.
-She loves dogs
-Just because she is a douchebag doesn't mean she going to let people die.... just so ya know.
-Smokes when she's stress too

Aspen the lazy kid you find in school, sure she knows a thing or two but decides not to put forth the effort. She then got expelled from school (from cussing and talking back to the principal. Then going and vandalizing school property) and was homeschooled by her father. During Saturday's she would sit on the porch and carve wooden objects out of woods with her jackknife. Which she was giving by her father for her birthday.
One Saturday morning when she was heading downstairs she noticed it was more quieter then usually. Heading outside to find her dog she saw trials of blood heading to the outdoor garage. Slowly heading towards it she saw blood staining her dad's shirt and him bent over eating their dog. Terrified and on the verge of tears she booked it. It was just a few days later when she found the group and joined it.

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