Phoebe Walker

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(She has nothing to do with my book The Quest)

Full Name- Phoebe Olivia Walker

Nickname: Fifi

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Faceclaim: Elle Fanning

Appearance: She has long straight red hair like her mother with matching blue eyes as her father. Faint freckles plaster her checks on her pale skin. Phoebe has a gorgeous white smile that can make almost anyone smile back. Though she does have a few scars/cuts on her arms.

Height: 5'1

Language(s): Can speak fluent French and English. She has a tendency to switch languages all of the sudden.

Personality: Phoebe isn't the type of person that enjoys being alone. She'd rather stick with a group then venture off alone and that's just always been her style. She's extremely smart, curious and mature for her age. While she is sweet, loving and hardworking she has never really lied in her life. Secrets were something she wasn't allowed to have and she is always completely honest with everyone (expect her past and scars). She does hold grudges against people that hurt her but there's usually a way they can make it up.

Likes: Dancing, reading, writing, lilies, outdoors and strawberries

Dislikes: Small rooms, dark, her father, studying, birds and chocolate

Background: Phoebe grew up with a very strict and abusive father, where she was raised at home and was homeschooled for her whole life. Her mother had ran off with another man when she was 3. She rarely saw anyone and if she every did she wasn't allowed to talk or play with them. Because of this she was always ahead of her studies and when she was finished for the day she'd be wandering the halls doing whatever. She had learned to picklock doors and get into trouble. Her father hated when she tell lies or wasn't doing anything productive and if she ever did it it involved spending time in The Dark Room or much worse.

other information: Is catastrophic and will have a panic attack.

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