Teresa Tolis

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~Full Name~

Teresa Celeste Tolis




Youngest Daughter of Kuna and Kayln Tolis



~Face Claim~

Becky G


Reader (Read all languages)


Being the youngest of the Tolis, Teresa was used to having all the attention when she was a child. Now that her parents' attention has shifted towards the oldest kids she craves for attention once more but towards her peers and friends. She is extremely clingy like a child and stubborn in the head. She can't stand being alone in public but needs to be constantly near someone in order to feel secure. Teresa manipulation skills come from some of the famous dictators and she knows how to use those same skills to get almost anything her heart desires. If not, a little graphic threatening works too.

Teresa does not stick out like a sore thumb though for she has a reputation to uphold. Teresa for the most part, likes to charm her way towards others with compliments and smiles. She pretends to be friendly and bubbly in order to gain others' attention. She could talk for hours, if she finds a conversation she is truly interested in. Despite having attention on her, she hardly opens up to others but instead lies about everything that is about herself. She rather have someone judge something fake rather than real.

She struggles to keep friends though because of the walls she builds up and soon the connection between them is lost. What she finds quite interesting is the ones that choose to stay. She tends to open herself up more and more willing to listen to them, if she feels attached to them. The feeling is quite rare though and acquaintance zones most people.


Charming: Teresa knows how to get most people to like her. She read books from multiple leaders and their tactics on how to manipulate individuals. Just because she's read them doesn't mean she is a master though, she knows not everyone is going to fall for it. The key is to be yourself... or in this case be someone who you aren't.

Deception: Concealing her true self is the definition of Teresa. If anything, her second self could be it's own person. She has put time and thought into this lie, with the help of her ability, to pull it off. "They can't judged me if it isn't actually me they are judging."

Wisdom: having the ability to read anything has brought her some wisdom, though why would she read the boring stuff when she could read about torture, destruction, death, and all the interesting stuff. If anything she learned more about how to get away with murder than how to create a perfect union. (i'm sorry but I had to XD)


Siblings: Teresa has lost interest in her siblings and hardly speaks with them. She has allowed jealously to cloud her vision and can not stand to be around them without speaking in a harsh tone. She tends to stay away from them, if possible, and if she has to be by them she has resorted to small talk and never fully looking at them.

Untrustworthy (both in herself and others): Teresa doesn't trust herself and she hates herself because of it. She hates that she builds up walls but knows that they are there to protect her. She knows that the walls bother others around her, and it only hurts her more to see others deem her as untrustworthy.

Useless (both herself and her power): Teresa has heard the fairy tales numerous times but feels as if she is not qualified to be apart of it. Why would her parents care where she ended up if they have three other children to worry about. Also, she feels like her power is nothing, and useless, compared to other peoples. She'd kill just to talk to a ghost, shifting into animals, or even just seeing from far away. Sometimes she lies about her ability just so she can feel like she is special too.


Insecure: Teresa's behavior overall is because she is truly scared of being forgotten or seems like she is useless to society. The attention-seeking and walls are all because she fears that one day someone she cares truly about will forget about her. She is jealous and insecure that her siblings and others will outshine her and that she will be left behind because she is seen as useless.

Friendship: she has read about the whole 'power of friendship' and is actually kind of terrifies of it. The thought of someone knowing all about her and her secrets makes her build her walls even tougher. Teresa would rather have someone see her fake self than her true self.

Me, Myself, and I: Teresa keeps a journal to herself where she writes about her thoughts and feelings about the day. Sometimes she keeps ideas from books she has read. She will not call it a diary!


September 7




-mildly allergic to cat fur, she can pet cats as long as she doesn't touch her face. MUST. WASH. HANDS. IMMEDIATELY.

-has a pet fish named Mr. Nibbles. Will literally hurt anyone that says anything bad about Mr. Nibbles. Very spoiled fish and Mr. Nibbles is proud of it (he may not look like he is but he is)

-plays the guitar and finds pieces of music from other countries to sing the lyrics to. It helps her relax if she is feeling stressed or insecure. Only her siblings know about it.

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