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Name: Dart

Nicknames: Boss, Poison Dart, poison

Gender: (I'm still deciding but it's gonna be a he for now)

Sexuality: Asexual

Tribes: Rainwing Skywing hybrid

Abilities: Dart can change the colors of his scales, spit Rainwing venom, and fly extremely fast. He can't change his eye color though and sometimes his scales just don't want to change.

Appearance: he has a deformity where there are holes in the sides of his mouth and you can see his razor sharp teeth. It makes eating hell but it's not like he can do anything about it. He has the head and body of a Rainwing but the wings and legs of a Skywing. 

Accessories: a black cloak, multiple different bags on his neck that holds things like knives, Poison darts, sharp disks, and many different vials of liquids that cause different types of pain in each one. He also wears a quiver of arrows on his back and a bow wrapped around his neck

Role: Dart is the leader and founder of the "Poison Darts". He know everything there is to know about keeping quiet and assassination.

Personality: Dart never trusts anyone. He always keeps his distance and he has vowed to never love anyone. He generally keeps quiet and only speaks when he has to. If one of his underlings opposes against what he is ordering then they will get a quick and painless death. No one opposes Dart. Not many dragons know about Dart or the "Poison Darts". All they know is that there is countless numbers of them and no one knows where their base is. If someone is a target then they are never going to be heard from again.

Backstory: Dart was hatched all alone. His parents were nowhere to be found and he didn't have any siblings. Once he taught himself to walk and fly, he made his way to the Sandwing kingdom. It was kill or be killed and he knew that by now. Once he was there he was abducted and no one heard from him again. Dart was kidnapped and raised by a mysterious group of Sandwings. Him and five other dragonets were trained to be the best assassins Pyyhira has ever seen. Once the time had come, the mysterious Sandwings ordered them to kill each other to see who would rain supreme. Five dead dragonets later and he was the last left standing. The Sandwings all agreed that he was the best and that he would live with them for the rest of his life learning about everything an assassin was. Enraged, Dart decided that in the night he was gonna kill the Sandwings that basically held him prisoner. They stole him, made him kill his brothers and sisters in arms, and now they wanted him to rot away with them underground?! That made him extremely angry. Dispute how much he wanted to say no, he said yes and they all when to rest. During the night he had successfully killed all of them and took their money. He grabbed his bag and finally found an exit hidden in a room next to his mentor's room. Now he was a fully grown dragon and he was seeing daylight again after years and years. He pulled his hood over his head and headed off to the Rainforest kingdom. There, he had shady dragons asking him to assassinate different dragons left and right. Who knows why. Maybe they just thought he looked like that kind of dragon? After a while, he had dragons showing up discreetly at his doorstep asking him if he could teach them his ways. One thing leads to another and he suddenly disappears from the Rainforest along with multiple dragons. Rumor has it he started up a whole business killing dragons for a living. Other say he's training the other dragons that went missing to become assassins as well. From then on out, if you wanted someone dead and you had to contact the Poison Dart the Poison Dart would come to you.

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