Jaski Graveyard

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Name: Jaski Graveyard

Nicknames: none

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Sexuality: Hertosexual

Theme Song: Legacy (Motionless in white)

Appearance: tall (6'8) skinny, undercut, black hair with red tips, snake bites, and guadges, lost boys tattooed on his fingers also a picture of a graveyard is tattooed on his fore arm, paler than paper


Daily outfit: usally band t-shirt (miw or slipknot) black trench coat, ripped jeans, combat boots or vans, hanging suspenders and chains, satanic emblet, and sometimes a black beanie

Personality: cut of from other poeple, can be quiet the flirt, sarcastic nd plays mind games

Strengths: great liar, wont fall for tricks, and cant be tamed

Weaknesses: being in large groups, talking out loud, people

Likes: being alone, causing trouble,and making others suffer, weird obession with knifes

Dislikes: hates every thing, his foster family, just about everyone


Family: abandoned him

Crush: no one

Enemies: everyone hates him usally

Friends: thinks they are a waste

Other: usally carrying a skate board, has ran away a lot from family or friends

Theme song: Devil In I

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