Banana Pudding

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Kit as a kit, then Banana Pudding, then YellowPaw/Stripe

She is a bright yellow she-cat with brown tabby stripes. Painted by her Owners... Her true fur color is a very dark gray. Her eyes are bright and greenish yellow.

Clan (All groups)
Kittypet / a Clan. Not specified because she is for use in roleplay, so it's not exactly pinned down.

Rank (All ranks)
Loner, Kittypet, Apprentence, Warrior, then deputy.

Age (current)
9 moons

Personality (current)
She is a bubbily and naive. Whenever she is let out of the Home (human house), she ventures into the wild near her home (adventurous). She can find humor in every situation, and cal always think of a unique, odd way of escaping from trouble. She always wants to help, but is too dim to know how to help others properly.

Bio (including her future)
0-6 moons
She was originally an alley cat, her mother a Loner. Her family was always starving, their mother always struggling to hunt. She went to a shelter as the shelter people took her and her family there. She was separated from her moster, and got a very bad disease (cat flu). The humans helped her to get better (because, well, humans are more advanced than cats). Her siblings died of the same disease, but Kit and her mother didn't. Kit stuck with her mother, Street, as long as she could until she got adopted by a nice human family that had a father and mother, a newborn, and a female daughter about the age a warrior would be (12 years). She despises them for taking her away from her mother, her only living family.

6-12 moons
She had been in the mouse for a moon now, and she was 6 Moons old. Kit hated the family and wished to return to her mother, who was still in the shelter. For some reason, the humans had taken her to a Twoleg that put colors in her black fur. (Their daughter wanted to name it Banana Pudding and wanted her to look like her name.) She was on top of the Cold Box (refrigerator) when something surprised her and she leapt off. Never the best at landing, she hit her head on the cold floor. When she woke up, she had no memory of her past life or family. She began to become more attached to the family, and took them as her kin. She adopted their name for her - Banana Pudding. After discovering the outdoors, Banana Pudding couldn't help exploring it! She met a tom named Brick, and immediately fell in love with him. She would follow him around and watch him, just like most of the other she-cats. Now she is 9 moons. 

She finds a clan cat around 10 moons named ShellPaw, and he told her about clan life. He also warns her about the Cutter and asks her to come join the Clan around 11 moons, when he became a warrior - ShellSoul. She reflects on it for a moon, but her yearning for adventure overpowered her. 

She joined WindClan at 12 moons.

12-96 moons
Banana Pudding is not welcomed very well by the Clan, but the leader - WoodStar - lets her join because the Clan is in a desperate time, and decides to mentor her himself. Banana Pudding is named after her fur color, YellowPaw. During these years, she falls in love with DuskShade, a popular tom, but refrains herself since it is horrible to like a cat who already has a mate. She doesn't realize ShellSouls crush on her.

 She becomes a warrior at 18 Moons, and is named YellowStripe. Her fur paint colors washes out after days and days of rain, and she discovers her true fur color and pattern, but doesn't want to change her name. 

She finds out that her father is RainFue and is in her clan as well because he tells her on a hunting patrol - he told her that e Hated her because she took Street away from him around 21 moons. Having no memory of her kit years, she believes this And is sent into turmoil for a few days. ShellSoul helps her to heal. DuskShade breaks up with his mate, PantherPelt.

At 22 moons she becomes the mate of DuskShade. ShellSoul gets an apprentice - WetPaw. 

At 25 moons, YellowStripe gives birth to her and DuskShades kits - Onekit and Threekit. Threekit dies eight days after birth.

Around 31 moons, WetPaw becomes a warrior now named WetNose and YellowStripes kit, OneKit, becomes an apprentice to FrostPuddle. YellowStripe leaves the nursery and joined in the next battle where she watches her father die in battle and get blamed for his death by ThistleBut. ThistleBud hated YellowStripe for becoming DuskShades mate, and was getting revenge.  DuskShade breaks up with her, turns around the very next day, and becomes ThistleBuds mate because of this. Everyone but ShellSoul and the leader believes ThistleBud ano has reservations about her. She gets an apprentice - ThornPaw - the kit of ThistleBud and DuskShade. They don't have a very good relationship.

At 33 moons, ShellSoul finally asks out YellowStripe and confesses to her. They become sweet mates, and truly love each other. The deputy dies of greencough and ShellSoul is selected as the new deputy.

When YellowStripe was 36 moons old, her apprentice ThornPaw does well in a battle and gains his warrior name - ThornClaw.

The leader dies when YellowStripe is 40 moons old and then ShellStar names her Deputy because of her perseverance, loyalty, and cleverness. YellowStripe gets pregnant with kits multiple times, but they were always dead by the time they were born. This continued until 60 moons, when after the final litter, they decided not to try anymore.

She dies as deputy at 96 moons during a clash over fake accusations of stolen prey.

Mate (Future mates)
DuskShade - quiet, respected yet unfaithful tom. He is light gray, turning darker until black at the tips of his body (ex. Eartips, tail tip, paws, muzzle... etc) His eyes are a very brackish green. 

ShellSoul/Star- He is a very pale cream/tan tom with slightly darker tabby markings and golden eyes. He is of average height and width, and his fur is short and soft.

Kits (Future kits)
OneToe - tomkit born with only one ear and an extra toe on all paws. He has short light gray fur that is abnormally thick with golden eyes from his mother. OneToe is tall and heavy set.

ThreeKit - How, this she-kit is very unique. You see, she was born as a weak and very sickly Cyclops. Her fur was black with gray at the tips of her body and also gray splotches. She didn't live past her eighth day.

Crush (current)
Block - A dark red Somali Tomcat with pale yellow eyes and small paws. He was a h*e, all the she-cats loved him. His fur was long and luxurious, groomed clean by his owners daily.

Brother s
Fossil - a black tom with shiny blue-tinged fur. Since he died at kithood, his eyes never passed the blue stage. He has long fur from his father and would have been very short and thin.

Mold - a dark gray tom with a tint of green, making his fur seem like it was slightly greenish (like a Russian Blue, but green). Again, blue kit eyes. He would have been short as well, but rounder than his brother.

Igloo - a white albino kitten with slightly pinkish eyes. She was tall and thin, but not scrawny.

Mother (forgotten)
Street - a rough she-cat with dirty, knows fur. She was the color of dark asphalt, and had Amber eyes that were always slited. Her body was always scrawny and boney, a show of how rough life on the streets is.

RainFur - deep gray Tom with long fur. It always hung heavily as if it was wet. He had blue green eyes and was a generally round, large tom.

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