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Name: Aukai Ina (first and middle names)

Nicknames: Skip/Skipper, Ina, Aua

Gender: Female

Age: 12 almost 13

Ethnicity: half Oceanic, quarter Zhongese, quarter Euran

Occupation: helps mom as a healer, sails a LOT and races competitively (single- and double-handed)(sometimes gets paid), helps her dad as a fisherman (not as often), occasionally hunts

Personality: independent, kind, competitive, sarcastic, smart, hesitant to trust others, mature

Likes: reading, sailing, healing people, besting people with her knowledge, spending time with Mulop and Aka'Aka

Dislikes: Mulop not being able to come on land, problems she can't solve, being considered immature or a child, crowds

Appearance: strawberry blonde hair always braided, light skin, blue eyes, very few blue tribal tattoos that are easily covered up: on her left arm, across her back, on her upper legs and waist, and one on her left wrist

Normal Wear: elbow length t-shirt, jeans, sneakers or flip flops, jacket

Sailing Wear: various wet suit tops with a thinner underlayer, padded sailing pants, warm socks, topsiders, sunglasses, beanie or visor, gator (neck scarf), sailing gloves

Weapons: always carries a coil of rope, triple dagger, shurikens, bow and arrows, bagh nakh, bo staff with detachable paddles

Strengths: intelligence, upper body strength (some lower), quick reflexes, good instincts, read the wind well

Weaknesses: Mulop, her family, her pride, her boat, Aka'Aka, her clumsiness

Family: Kai (father) was born in the Hundred Isles sailing his whole life, he is a fisherman. Althea (mother) was a healer from Eura who visited the Hundred Isles to look for more interesting healing herbs, met Kai, and decided to move. Ming (mother's mother) was a healer from Zhong who summoned a Sloth Bear named Panda and is a huge influence on Aukai.

Backstory: Aukai was born in the Hundred Isles. She has been sailing her entire life and sails competitively against people much older than she is. She has always helped her mother as a healer and helped her collect herbs. She occasionally helped her dad as a fisherman, but she really didn't like it. She never had many friends as a child except for her sailing friends and the crew of her double-handed boat, Aka'Aka. She summoned Mulop on her twelfth birthday. She loves swimming with Mulop. When she sails, Mulop is always there for her with extra strength and wisdom. When she isn't racing, Mulop will sometimes pick the boat up with his tentacles, which Aukai and Aka'Aka both enjoy very much.

Spirit Animal: octopus

Name: Mulop

Gender: male

Appearance: larger than normal, dark orange head, purplish orange tentacles, dark green eyes

Personality: wise, kind, curious, lonely, easily amused

Skills: feel and cloud the minds of others, communicate with those far away, breathe underwater

Bond: pretty good, except she gets annoyed that Mulop can't come on land, went dormant after two weeks (the second was a major regatta (race))

Tattoo: tribal tattoo along her right upper arm to just above her elbow

"May the tides be ever in your favor."

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