Deal Maker *

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Villain Name: Deal maker.

Age: Unkown.

Species: Human and some kind of Demon.

Skin color: Varies, he shapeshifts and alters his color to make some people feel more comfortable.

Power: Can make deals that can alter reality slightly, see the soul, shapeshift.

Height: Heigh varies. Normally He is rather tall.

Hair color: Black.

Facial hair: A goatee that he tries to keep prefect, along with hints of a mustache.

Sexuality: He is straight despite a big majority of his actions.

Eye color: Gold when making a deal, Red when threatening, pitch black when collecting on his deals, any human eye color when passing as human.

Clothing: Dresses in a black long flowing overcoat, black jeans with metal skulls at the knees and occasional clusters of white demonic markings, a metal belt around his hips, a black shirt with white demonic markings. Wears black gloves.

Extra appendages: Has a long black arrow tipped tail, at times he might have a set of horns on his head, at first resembling ram horns until you realize that they also split into two separate horns. Teeth might form fangs, and he will grow talons.

Tattoos: He has a series of demonic markings and various forms of runes around his hands.

Other accessories: Wears plenty of rings with skulls, carries four phones in black cases, carries a small set of red ink pens.

History: When he tries to make a deal with someone, he will tell them that he is here to give those what they need, a good Samaritan of some kind. He will tell them about all those he has ever helped and that he travels great distances.

His true history is hard to say, he appeared sometime when man has created civilization and always appeared wearing black, his mother was human while his father was a Demon, unknown as to which demon. A lot of his history is unknown due to him destroying anything that even remotely mentions himself, leaving no tracks or traces not even those who he made deals with last they will fade to nothing more but a forgotten memory. No one summons him, he only appears when he has listened to all those who desire something.

Personality: Depends on the people he makes deals with. Normally his personality is laid back and very friendly, might sometimes be a bit fruity.

Favorite deals to make: He likes to make people normal again, mainly heroes, when there is a hero who has some power that they didn't have before he will offer to take it away from them to give them a normal human life. Making two people switch places a taste of their own medicine kind of situation. Giving someone fame only to watch their misery. To get people to fall in love just to watch it either crumble or for them to never feel satisfied.

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