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Theme Song: Nightcore - Gasoline

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Crush: none

Personality: Insane, unstable, bipolar, twisted, somewhat sadistic, and deceiving

Weapons: Her metallokinesis and toxikinesis

Skills: She is very good at seeming innocent to lure people in. She also has become quite skilled at creating new "wonderful" deadly toxins to release upon the world

Flaws: She is mentally unstable, so she can go from lovable girl to murderous phycopath in seconds.

Backstory: She doesn't remember anything other than The Accident. She was kidnapped and tortured to insanity when she was 16. She was killed, but was somehow reanimated by some toxins around where she died.

Other: At random moments, she'll start twiching and smiling sadistically. When she does, you better run away as soon as you can, there is no way you are going to survive when she's in this state.


Clothing(without the shoes)

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