fantasy ocs w/ may and blue {updated}

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Addison Deleon

Age: 26
Gender: Female (she/they)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Species: Human
Role: Rebel
Kingdom: From Desertum, but travels with the rebels.
Magic Abilities: Potion making.
Appearance: Yasmin Finney.
Personality: Addison is a crazy smart women. She's observational, analytical and doesn't like to mess around. In her spare time she likes to read and create. She has a passion for making potions and fighting for the rebel cause. She's resourceful and organised, however, they can get distracted by new and interesting facts. She asks a lot of questions and will relay answers for hours if she can.
Strengths: Intelligent, resourceful, hardworking, skilled in potions and hand-to-hand combat.
Weaknesses: Overambitious, doesn't know her limits, will talk your ear off.
Backstory: Addison came from a big family. She would find herself in libraries and nooks to get some peace and quiet. There she found her love for knowledge and soon became an apprentice to her aunt to practice potions and alchemy. But due to Kingdom Magicae's unification of the kingdoms Addison saw a lot of her family die. Including her aunt. After that she joined the rebels and has been fighting with them ever since.
Other: When they get the time she offers lessons to the younger rebels to ensure they still have a chance at receiving an education.

Auburn Venefica

Age: 20
Gender: Female (she/her)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Human
Role: Princess
Kingdom: Magicae
Magic Abilities: Skilled in elemental magic, trying to learn many more forms.
Appearance: Du Juan.
Personality: She's not one to hold back and she sticks to her word. She's trustworthy but reckless in trying to prove a point of her independence and strength. She's a firecracker; headstrong and stubborn, with a bite when she needs one. She knows her place as princess but tries her best to avoid using it against others. She's loyal, elegant and accidentally charming with her smiles and youthful optimism.
Strengths: Quick learner, elemental magic (specifically fire), keeps her promises and has a way with words that tends to work in her favour.
Weaknesses: Reckless, stubborn, physical combat, lying to her parents, sheltered and freezes in situations she's only heard stories of.
Backstory: Auburn has lived a sheltered life in the palace. From a young age her parents were selective about her education and restricted her time learning magic and combat to focus on academics. She spent most of her childhood with teachers and servants rather than her parents. Due to her restrictions she became more interested in learning combat and furthering her magical skills. She teaches herself what she can find in libraries and through observation. On her rare days off she can be found at the blacksmith's or around town offering help to those who will accept. Despite the fractured relationship with her parents she wants to prove to them that she can be a strong ruler.
Other: Comes from a line of sorcerers known as Phoenix Sorcerers. Their main type of power is the element of fire and needs to be triggered to be fully accessed and used to their greatest ability. As they say: a phoenix rises from the ashes.

Caelan Emeric

Age: 102
Gender: Male (he/they)
Sexuality: Panromantic Asexual
Species: Fae Witch
Role: Court Jester/Travelling Performer
Kingdom: Caeli
Magic Abilities: Knows a lot of spells but has a focus on enchantments and illusions.
Appearance: Luka Sabbat.
Personality: Caelan is a trickster and a troublemaker. He lives for the thrill and adrenaline of lies and deceit, as well as in the moment. He's laidback and would rather go with the flow than worry for the future. He's independent but rather unreliable, mischievous and mysterious. One can never trust what he says, yet he's a great storyteller with a creative mind.
Strengths: Acrobatics, storytelling, performance and his illusion magic.
Weaknesses: He's unreliable, struggles to form relationships because of his lies and deceit, and is defensive.
Backstory: Caelan didn't have the greatest parents growing up and a lot of memories of them are fuzzy for him. But soon enough he was running away and joining a travelling circus where he learned of his creative skills and let them thrive. One night it was infiltrated and attacked by rebels and he fled the scene. In order to survive on his own he picked up a lot of his bad habits of lying and deceiving others and grew to enjoy the thrill of it. Now he's found a job as the court jester of Caeli and performs and causes mischief in attempt to forget about his past.
Other: He can play a couple different instruments.

Esther Reeves

Age: 24
Gender: Female (she/her)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Human
Role: Servant/Bartender
Kingdom: Magicae
Magic Abilities: None
Appearance: Shannon Purser.
Personality: Esther is loud, outgoing and opinionated. She's confident enough that some question whether it's really just arrogance. She doesn't believe in titles but knows to respect them in certain places. Her presence can be felt as soon as she enters a room. She's headstrong and stubborn and isn't afraid to stand up for herself and others. When she's in a good mood she's bubbly, charming and friendly.
Strengths: Great cook, great conversationalist, is excellent at separating bar fights and can throw a good punch.
Weaknesses: Has no knowledge in magic, can't keep her mouth shut, stubborn and arrogant.
Backstory: Esther was born to a servant and an innkeeper and was raised in the inn her mother owned. She helped around there until she was old enough to work in the palace alongside her father. She works in the palace during the days and tends to the bar at the family inn during the night. Esther also spends most of her weekends exploring the markets and experimenting with new recipes and meals for the inn's menu.
Other: The family inn is The Whispering Phoenix.

Evander Priamos

Age: 128 (looks in his late 20s)
Gender: Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Demon
Role: Noble and assassin.
Kingdom: Ignis
Magic Abilities: Shapeshifting, teleportation (through shadows and smoke), telekinesis, dark and fire magic.
Appearance: Jon Kortajarena (his demon form is large, has claws, horns and skeletal wings; his eyes turn black, and his arms, chest, face and hips are covered in shadowy markings).
Personality: A charming mystery. He likes talking secrets and rumours, but never his own. Yet they are his preferred method of trade. He's rather reserved, with a tough exterior and walls that aren't easy to break down. But he draws people in with charming words and teasing smiles. He's a flirt that likes to sleep around. But don't let his charm fool you - he's rather arrogant, with a powerful demon inside and a temper he struggles to hide.
Strengths: Physically strong, teleportation is his strongest form of magic, and has a way with words that can charm almost anyone.
Weaknesses: He's not one to open up, too much exposure to light limits his teleportation abilities, and he's quite arrogant and egotistical.
Backstory: Evander was raised in a strict and formal household of nobles distantly related to the royal family of Ignis. When he was young and his demon first appeared he struggled to tame and control it. This resulted in him unintentionally killing most of his family. But his father survived and taught Evander how to control his demon form. But soon enough his father disappeared too. While Evander figured out how to cover for himself it never stopped the rumours and accusations. He learned to control his demon form and managed to secure a seat on the Ignis council. However, he has little interest in politics and prefers to party and sleep around.
Other: Distant relative of the royal family of Ignis.

Hamish Valasquez

Age: 25
Gender: Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Half human/Half mermaid
Role: Pirate Captain and Merchant.
Kingdom: From Aqua but travels the seas with his crew.
Magic Abilities: Can breathe underwater and is learning water elemental magic.
Appearance: Marlon Teixeira.
Personality: Hamish is an adventurer at heart and is always chasing the thrill of the unknown. He's curious, outgoing and easily approachable. He has charm and confidence for days. He's a conversationalist but not one to open up about anything too personal. Yet he has a tendency to take those in need under his wing. He has good leadership skills and isn't afraid to take on a challenge. But sometimes this can lead to him being impulsive and reckless, rarely thinking about the consequences of his actions. 
Strengths: Excellent swimmer, great leadership skills, a fit fighter, knows how to wield a sword, and is a good listener.
Weaknesses: Impulsive and reckless, doesn't think about risks or consequences (especially when taking new people in), and may have a drinking problem.
Backstory: Hamish was born to a human mother and merfolk father. His mother was a pirate captain and the two met on one of her journeys out at sea and fell in love. They had Hamish not long after and he grew up with his mother when he was born with legs. Their ship got caught in a storm and Hamish's mother didn't make it. While he doesn't remember it exactly he believes it was his father who saved him and brought him back to shore. Since then he found a new ship and crew and took on his mother's name to continue their pirate legacy.
Other: N/A

Inerys Naida

Age: 18
Gender: Female (she/her)
Sexuality: Demiromantic Demisexual
Species: Water Nymph
Role: Thief
Kingdom: Aqua
Magic Abilities: Water manipulation and invisibility.
Appearance: Ming Xi.
Personality: Inerys is a friendly, kind and free-spirited child. She's full of curiosity and isn't afraid to show it, always asking questions and ignoring personal space. Though while she's not stupid and can recognise dangerous situations, she can't stand up for herself and may get caught up in them. At first she appears shy and cautious but she opens up pretty quick once she trusts you and is always happy to lend a hand.
Strengths: A skilled thief, water manipulation is her best and most practised magic, and she's kind, curious and friendly.
Weaknesses: She has to hold her breath and have high concentration for her invisibility spell to work, she has a compulsion to steal that she can't control, little physical strength, her curiosity can lead her to dangerous situations.
Backstory: Inerys and her mother were shunned from the family when her father got arrested. Inerys believed he was wrongfully charged and tried to find a way to get him back. However, her mother was looking for a way to get herself back into the family. And she did. Inerys was left alone to fend for herself. She developed her habit of stealing during this time and eventually she couldn't stop. She hasn't heard from her father or her family in years. Inerys found herself a home in the coves and decorates her small cave with stolen trinkets and decorations.
Other: N/A.

Sylvaine Dhara

Age: 142
Gender: Nonbinary (they/them)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Wood Elf
Role: Royal Healer
Kingdom: Terra
Magic Abilities: Healing, can speak to plants and animals but has a stronger connection with trees, can sense the pain of nearby creatures, can help grow and manipulate plants.
Appearance: Indya Moore (they have vine-like markings on their hands and arms that glow when they use their magic).
Personality: They have a kind and generous soul. Sylvaine is formal but understanding and a great listener. They won't offer advice unless asked or they believe it pertinent to the situation. They're a tranquil person, spending as much time as they can amongst nature. They're intelligent, observant and will help those in need. They have a wrathful side they try to hide but if someone disrespects nature Sylvaine finds themselves unable to fight the violent urges.
Strengths: Sunlight restores their power and makes them stronger, they're best with their healing magic, good with a bow, intelligent and perceptive.
Weaknesses: No sunlight means limited to no powers, their attachment to animals and plants, puts others before themselves.
Backstory: Sylvaine grew up in a small, reclusive village in the Terra Kingdom. There they learned all the magic they know and built a strong connection to many animals in the surrounding forests. There was a short civil war they were apart of between elves that worked alongside animals and plants, and elves that manipulated them to use them for labour. After that Sylvaine made their way to the palace to become the Royal Healer and assure nothing of the likes would happen again.
Other: They have a pet hedgehog that accompanies them. Her name is Ataru.

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