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Bio: Born to a chieftain and his wife on a remote Snerson planet, Zeik became accustomed to a harsh life. He picked up leadership skills and ainchent hunting skill only the remote Sneple know about. One day, Black Pearl and her crew landed on their planet (Teris 12, or Bathos), and where quickly captured by a patrol from his village. They where held prisoner, until they could prove they meant no harm. The chieftain asked Zeik to watch them while they stayed for the customary 1 day after trail. While watching them, he quickly learned of their encounters and combat with the Snerson Government, and told of how they where deprived of the benefits others had, and how they had to flee from their own government. After their day was up, he decided to join them, so that he might help his people. Ever since then, he has been with the team.

Weapon: Spear

Abilities: Shape-shifting, cross-species fusion

Likes: Planet hopping, New discoveries, Friendly competition

Dislikes: Being discriminated against, Snerson Government,

Personality: An honestly trustworthy and kind person (or Snerson rather), but a bit out there. He has a bit unorthodox ideas and plans, and new customs different from gems. But overall will be loyal no matter what.

Relationships: Tries to be friends, but is only really close to Amethyst.

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