WoF Contest Entry

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Caddisfly gently felt the sand beneath her claws. She could feel the wing clips on her third pair of limbs, preventing flight. But Caddisfly almost never flew, the risk of getting lost was too high.

The screams and shouts of the other dragons pounded into her ears, threatening to take away one of her most valued senses.


This voice. This one stood out from the rest. The Mudwing wasn't sure why, but instinctively she placed the caller at the front of the area.

A dragon screech directly in front of her shook her out of her invision. She could hear the rattling of scales and spines, and how heavy they sounded when their claws hit the ground.

And the smell.

While the rest of the area smelled of blood, sand, and drought, the dragon in front smelled of.

'Is that, banana? Oh my. No! It smells of fire and death! Did they just come from a volcano or a forestfire?"

The whistle of the spines and scales shook her yet again out of her mind, but now she had two ways to place the attacker. The cheers and shouts all around her pounded once more against her eardrums, sending her a few paces back.

The pound of something either heavy or with a lot of force sent sand up onto Caddsfly's scales.
'Glad I moved. Otherwise I might have been crushed.'

"HEY! At least look at me when I'm trying to kill you!"
This voice was much, much closer than the one she singled out earlier, and much more threatening.
A familiar hiss of fire building up just barely made it past the confounded yells all around.
'Nope! Nope! Nope!'

Dashing best she could to the side, an immense sensation of heat sprinted along her tail. A scream which she was unfamiliar with escaped her throat.
What came out later, luckily, was something she was much more familiar with.
Running as fast as she could in order to make a plan of attack, she heard the echos come off the wall she had apparently been running by.

"ARE YOU CHIRPING?! They really gave me the screwball."

A sinking feeling in Caddisfly's gut heightened her sense of hearing to an even greater level. And soon she would have to turn around- her legs can't run forever.

The pounding of footsteps came closer, along with a harder curve of the wall.
'Deep breathes Caddis. Deep breathes.'


The next five seconds almost went in slow-motion.
Caddisfly jumped against the sand, thankfully some had kept it's ground while the rest gave way. Front arms outstretched, they soon came into contact with the rough stone surface of the wall. The hind legs were not far behind, they too landing on the rough stone.
A small pop went in the middle of her spine as she twisted her body, the forearms leaving the wall behind. Due to the blockage of everything else, she could just faintly hear the surprised cry of her pursuer. With a strong kick and uncoiling of her hind legs, the Mudwing's smoother stomach just brushed up against the rough and gritty primary scales of the attacker.

A loud thunk was barely audible, pinpointing the location. In an act of desperation, Caddisfly felt the fire building up. With the hiss of the pursuer came the blast of fire.

Ear-splitting screams cut through Caddisfly's train of thoughts, halting all progress. It even drowned out the joyful cheers of the many, many voices around her.

A sensation of pain whipped across her face, taking blood, scales, and a glass eye with it. The other was damaged.

"Y-yo. Your BLIND!?"

Shock and rage filled Caddisfly. Those were the only thing left of her loving siblings, and now they wefe gone as well.
Using the moment of her enemy's shock to her advantage, Caddisfly felt flesh and scales between her teeth. The char and soot on the other made her tongue shrivel in disgust, but that wouldn't stop her. Her claws were quickly covered with something warm, the liquid already dripping to the ground.
In a failure of a good counter-attack, the opposing dragon tried to push the Mudwing onto the ground.

He succeeded, and was rewarded for his act with a hard kick in the ribs. The jaws of the Mudwing dislodged for a second, the flesh of which they were locked on now no longer as sturdy.

A raspy gasp was heard, another bite aimed at what Caddisfly assumed to be the neck. More hot blood stained her scales, not even fully sure what color they were. What was the point of knowing anyways?

Using her upperbody weight, Caddisfly fell back onto the ground with a chunk of dragon flesh still staining her mouth. With a good final kick, a CRUNCH sounded out and rebounded against the stone walls of the sandy prison. A heavy weight fell onto the Mudwing, the dragon no longer giving any sort of attack or defensive maneuvers. The hot blood had now covered most of Caddisfly, her tail and back being the only areas untouched.

Cheers sounded all around, just barely covering up a proud announcer.

'He's. He's dead?'

'Wait a minute. There is only one area where this is considered a sport.'

'I won't last here for much longer.'

Word count: 860

Paul: Raina, the minimum was 350 words.
Raina: So? It's still less than a thousand.
Kira: Raina. Check TheWriterOfMany 's rules.
Carter: I already did. They dob't say anything about a maximum word count.
Paul: But it's supposed to be a short story.

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