Dj Latiku

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Yo what's up. I am DJ Latiku. And here are so some funky stuff about me
Origins: Well I use to be a Latiku, but then it became boring and I quit. I mean who wants to be in a cloud throwing some spikey stuff that's boring. So me and my Cloudy(my cloud) decided to become DJs cause we both like music a lot.
Music: I love Techno and Pop and Rap!
Appearance: Latiku with a blue shell, Cloudy with sunglasses, has Nikey shoes, Headphones and a golden cloud necklace.
Hobby: Being a DJ at night clubs (if you know what kind of clubs I'm talking about. ;) ;) ).
Food: Koopa soup! It might sound disgusting but its actually tastes really good! XD
Age: 17
Height: 3.7 ft
Others: I love to hear music whenever I want, even when I go to sleep! I play video games and have parties! Oh and I also rap!
What does DJSONICX think of DJ Lakitu: He has a heart for music, he's a good rapper and he is a free sprit!

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