The Safe Place

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#20, #22, #25
Name- 20 Jason
Unique Name- Lucas Zimmerman
Age- 15
Sexuality- Straight
Gender- Male

Personality- "Hey I️ have feelings too!"
Where to start, Lucas is an asshole. He does not care who's feelings he's hurting and if he's hurting them to start. It's best not to trust Lucas because he's a manipulator, and a good one. He can become your best friend and in a flash leave you empty handed. At times he can show a good side but usually he's cold.

-He doesn't seem to trust anyone, not even his own family.
-Lucas can't control his habits, and is thief.
-He's a horrendous swimmer, as he's never been exposed to the ocean or any body of water.

-Stealing! He is an amazing thief, pic-Pocketer, etc. He's quick on his feet and witty.
-He is a Manipulator, and can get what he wants with too much ease.

Fatal Flaw-
His own personality, if he ever shows a kind side he's worry people will perceive him as weak and that's NOT what he ever wants.

-Loosing everyone he loves. Lucas is scared one day he'll be alone forever.
-People seeing him cry, he believes it's a sign of weakness.



Name- 22 Jason
Unique Name- Brandon Vermont
Age- 15
Sexuality- Gay 🌈
Gender- Male

Personality- "Hoe Hoe Hello"
Brandon is a sassy son of a bîtch, he can give you a look that will make you wither inside. At times he can expose a nice side, but at others he's a judgmental jerk. He brings a lot to the table, especially during group discussions he isn't afraid to speak his opinion.

-His tongue, he can be quite harsh at times with what he says but deep down he doesn't always mean it.
-Isn't very smart, he's smart but isn't brilliant.

-fashion, he knows all the latest trends and lives fixing up and sewing a beautiful coat or two.
-His personality, even if he's a douche he's the best douche you'll ever meet.

Fatal Flaw-
His anxiety, he fears people will make fun of him. For many reasons, and one being just his general outfits.

-Dying, sounds stupid but he's generally concerned of the days he has late and how quick they'll pass by.



Name- 25 Jason
Unique Name- Sam Maxine
Age- Female
Sexuality- [Closeted] Bisexual
Gender- Female

Personality- "don't be fûcking stupid!"
Sam is a sarcastic girl, she does a lot of tsk's and disapproving sounds. She is extremely hard headed and won't let anyone boss her around, and if they do they have to deal with her personally. She is an amazing friend, but to anyone else she's rude and conceding.

-The Sunlight (it blinds her)
-People who cry a lot, she feels obliged to help them no matter who.
-dancing, for the love of god don't ask her to dance.

-Boxing, she's extremely strong physically.
-Skate Boarding, it's her main skill and loves showing off.

Fatal Flaw-
Her freckles, at times she hates them and at other times she embraces them.

-Loosing, doesn't want to be lower than someone who has challenged her.




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