I : a little girl and the picture

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A story about a little girl falling in love with a picture.

I met you on a late summer afternoon, in an old library in the heart of the bustling city. You has a pure beauty of a 15 year old girl, but in your eyes there seem to be countless unspeakable feelings. I just stood there watching the last rays of the sun dance on your black hair, and you seemed to ignore everything around to immerse herself in the pages of a book and suddenly you looked up at me with your dark brown eyes and asked, "Can loving an inanimate picture be reciprocated?" and until now I still can't give you a proper answer.

You're a strange little girl, you likes old things, likes to learn about unreal worlds, you're interested in everything that you never known. You are like a ray of sunshine interested in everything around you but sometimes you are like a rainy day. At that time, you was eerily quiet, you liked to spend hours just looking at a painting in a museum or simply crouching in a corner of this old library, letting the sunset shine through reflected on her sad face. Is there some invisible sadness that weighs on your little heart, baby?

You told me you were in love, but baby, you should be happy with the innocent yet passionate feelings of youth. My question made you laugh, a smile as crisp as the summer sun, but somewhere there was an unnamed sadness.

You told me about the special affection you had for a painting or rather a man held captive by the page. 

You said that person is like an angel whose angel will never be your, a bad person who makes you feel feelings you has lost for a long time but then extinguishes all your hopes that.

That person made you fall in love, making yo fantasize about the happy moment of both. The moment you talked about that person, there was boundless happiness in your eyes and you wondered if that person could feel your feelings there.

You knows that place is an abyss but still chooses to fall into it and be engulfed by the emotions you considers love.

People say you're stupid, but you don't care about those words, you ignores everything around you and then immerses yourself in your own toxic emotions.

You always hopes that one day your feelings will be returned, one day a miracle will appear and bring that man to your side.

But sadly, ridiculous for you! It's a pity that your fragile hope will never come true because this is life, a reality, and reality will never let miracles happen.

Because reality is an extremely cruel person, he gave you hope and ruthlessly crushed that fragile thing like a lamp in the wind.

He gloated as he tormented your small heart that was already crisscrossed with wounds.

Then you gave up everything, leaving everything when she was in the most beautiful age of a girl, leaving the cruel world behind.

I wonder if you have met that person, the person you look forward to every night? Hope that where you goes, there will be his hand outstretched waiting for you, hope you will be happy in your own paradise.

Goodbye little girl of the last day of summer.

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