Finding The Right Omega

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Bakugou's POV
Why is finding an omega so hard? It's so frustrating! There are some good omegas but they all just don't click. I don't know why I have to be so picky! When I do find one that I think is right for me their scents are just gross to me. It's useless. I walk to my chef and tell him to make me whatever. I walk back to my room and start to pick out some clothes. I pick out a tight black shirt and some camo joggers. I walk back downstairs and to the door. I put on some black shoes and walk out the door. Time to go searching again. I know it will fail but I can always try. I hate looking though! I start with a busy street in Tokyo. I walk up and down the street and to my luck I can't find any omegas I like. There were only three omegas on this street and two of them were marked. I guess I can try the mall now.

Time skip to the mall

Skill Bakugou's POV
I start walking around the first floor but just my luck I can't find anything. I take the escalator up to the second level. I catch a hint of a sweet scent. I sniff the air and fallow the scent to an All Might themed store. I walk in to see this perfect omega. He is wearing a cropped hoodie and some hot ass booty shorts. His hair is so pretty and his freckles are amazing. His creamy legs and perfect skin. I let out a sigh and stare at him in aw. I need him! He is the one! He's my omega.

Deku's POV
I look through all the All Might merchandise to see if I find anything I don't have or like. I start looking at a tee shirt when I catch a whiff of this very manly scent. It's like cinnamon and rosewood. It smells so good! I sniff the air to see where it is coming from. It's from behind me. I turn around to see a guy a little taller than me, around the same age, and sexy as hell. He's clearly an alpha, a strong one. I lock eyes with him and look away face turning red. I can smell his scent getting stronger. He's right behind me isn't he. I feel to arms wrap around my waist and I'm pulled back into his chest. "H-Hey. Y-You're a l-little close do-don't you think?" "I couldn't help but notice you don't have an alpha." "Well y-yeah I'm o-only 16." Why am I stuttering so much! I feel him start smelling my scent glands. He's so hot! My knees start to go weak. Why does he have this affect on me!? "My names Katsuki Bakugou. What's yours?" "I-Izuku Mi-Midoriya." I let out a little moan making him smile. "P-Please st-stop." I try to push his arms off my waist but he's too strong. "Now that's no way to treat your alpha~" My alpha! "You're n-not my a-alpha." "Oh yeah, who is?" "No o-one." "You're my omega now so that means I'm your alpha." He releases pheromones making me submit. I give up! I move my head to the side giving him full access. This is a sign that i submit. That he can have me. He starts to rub his scent on me and i just stand there. I guess this is my alpha now. I mean he's can't be too bad. I know he's going to mark me making me officially his. I'm too young to be marked. I don't even know him enough to be ok with it, but he's just so strong. His scent, his muscle, and his overall personality is just so strong and confident. I feel my feet being lifted up off the ground. "Wh-Where are y-you taking m-me!?" "Back to my house Deku!" Wait that's not my name! "My names Izuku!" "I'm calling you Deku from now on!" "Fine then! I'm calling you Kacchan." I feel a cold breeze hit my skin. We're outside. So I am being basically kidnapped by this perfect alpha. I can't deal with this right now. All the scenting from earlier is making me tired. I'll just go to sleep. I fall asleep in his arms as he carries me away.

Time skip to Kacchan's house

Deku's POV
I wake up in a huge bed. This isn't anywhere I've been before. Oh yeah, I was taken by that alpha. I look around the larger room and analyze everything. All the sudden the door creeks open and Kacchan walks in. He's shirtless! He's even hotter than I thought. "H-Hey." I look at the ground blushing. "You're up!" He walks over to me sitting down and pulling me into his lap facing him. "You have a busy day planned tomorrow. So you will be getting a small schedule to follow. I know it sounds formal but it just helps organize things." He fights with hero's! That's really cool! "W-Why are we waiting for tomorrow to do it?" I feel him but his hand on my butt. "I wanted you to get adjusted to everything." I feel myself heat up as he grabs my hand placing it on his chest moving it down his chiseled body. I feel my blush turn even darker. I look at his eyes and see they are hungry. He's holding back his scent!? He doesn't want to put me in heat. Is he turned on by me just being in his lap? I cup his face and kiss him. "It's fine. You can let out your scent. It won't put me in heat I promise." "Are you sure?" "My heat ended yesterday so yeah I'm sure." I giggle a little. He cares about me more than I thought. I smell his scent hit me like a truck. Uh, maybe I was wrong! I start to feel myself heat up and I start to pant. I can't control my scent! This isn't going to end well, but I don't care. I kiss him and start to grind down on him. All I can think about is getting fucked by him!

I'm gonna end this part there!
This took 2 days to write because I am depressed and lazy af! Hope you enjoy!

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