chapter 15

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Prince Ash POV
( so basically Ash couldn't find his mate so his family asked other kingdoms to help find his mate in exchange for gold n' stuff)

"Mother! Mommy!" I called as I swam as fast as I could to Queen Wolffey and Queen Cyrus. I jumped out of the water. "Yes?" Wolffey said, looking up from her scroll. "We have news from the dragon kingdom! They found my mate!" I shouted, running in circles excited. Cyrus looked at me. "Well then lets get going we must waste no time."

Soon we had contacted the dragon kingdom and we were off. We were in out human forms riding horses. As we galloped ahead we saw the towering castle in the distance. I made my horse, Clam, put on a burst of speed. I saw my friend Oak standing with the two kings. Travis and Zane. (STOP JUDGING MEEEEEE)  

  We came to a stop in front of the other royals.
"King Zane, King Travis, and Prince Oak. You said you have found my son's mate" Wolffey asked. King Travis stepped forward. "Yes we do. Our princesses are helping her get ready."

Libby's POV
(Ayyyy it's me....... I have a problem. Btw this is when

  I looked around Omega's closet for an elegant dress since I don't wear them often and mine are too big. I found a sea blue summer dress. ( 👗 ) I took it over to her. "Here, try this. If it doesn't work we'll look for another one." I said. Violet nodded and went into the closet to get changed.

I had three dresses in my hand by the time we found the one. "Time for makeup!" Omega yelled. I grabbed my bag of makeup just as Violet slipped on her shoes. "Ya know what?" Violet said. "Wha?" I looked over at her along with Omega. Violet spoke." I don't think I need makeup." I looked her over. "I guess no-" "Girls!" We heard King Zane yell. "We don't have time anyway. Let's go meet your mate!"

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