Chapter 16

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It's a short one

Avery's POV
(Dun dun DUN)

I ran through the thick forest, the scent of Violet strong. As well as the scent of dragons and royalty... and the sea? I stopped at the edge of the forest, still hidden.

I saw Violet and a... human? He smelt like the sea. I also smelt that he was a prince of some sort.

Perfect Prey.

They set up a picnic, meeting up with two other girls, one with wolf ears and one with a fox tail.

"Where's your wings and ears Libby?" Violet questioned.
"Oh, right. Here, this explains it since... it would take up too much time to explain." Libby said. "Well hi, I'm Libby, and this is Omega." Omega held out her hand, shaking the prince's hand. "I'm Prince Ash." He smiled.

--2 mins. Later.---

They were all sitting down , talking and eating. I have learned that libby is Violet's body guard and Omega is her friend. Omega said she had to go home a while ago.

"I need to go to the bathroom really quickly guys." Ash said. "Be right back." They both nodded. Now's my chance. Once Ash was out of sight I dashed out of the trees, lunging at Violet's throat. I was quickly thrown down by a scaly beast. I looked up to see a Velociraptor pinning me down.

She positioned her jaws open around my neck then bit down.

everything went black.

Oh she ded

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